Help With Light Setup!


Active Member
K , i just cant seem to get this right , everytime i set my lights up one way , i have a hard time trying to posision the other light right , and then when i try somthing new i have a problem with two lights being posisioned , its frustrateing yet looks like it should be simple lol , i have one Gro-lux floro , one random fish tank floro and 2 6500k cfl's and right now im having a hard time trying to posision the cfls in the right place , my gro-lux and the cfls are daylight and i dont know what the random aquarium one is but it dont look like daylight when its on , if you want to see ill post a pic with the lights on , but for now ill show you pics with them off , any info would help , shit ill take my lights down and put them back up a different way if anyone has any suggestions for me , please help lol it would be highly apreachiated!!



Well-Known Member
for starters those light are to far up u want them as close as u can , and is your growroom a carboard box ? can u just pop holes in the top and hang them above the plants? and wheres your water run off ?


Active Member
yeah my grow box is cardboard , an im very aware that cardboard is like the worst thing to use lmao , im just using it to start them off then im putting them outside , i dont actually plan on flowering in there or anything like that and my pots have little plates underneath them so when the plates get full i just poor them out