help with lighting, new grow


Active Member
ok this is my second grow, first time around i used CFLs and had a very good result, other than the buds where a bit whispy and not as dense as id like them to be, i recently got a 400W HPS light, i have it set up in my new grow area, i currently have 5 sprouts that are about a week old and have just sprouted recently,i want to use my HPS, but my question is if i can use it throughout the entire grow, should i set them under the hps or use the cfls and then the hps for harvest, please give your opinions thanks a lot.


Well-Known Member
u can use the hps all the way thru but u need good ventilation if ur going to do that and ur power bill will b high if i was u just use the lights u all ready have and save the hps for 12/12 flowering thats the best way ive grown b 4.


Well-Known Member
and if you use the hps for flowering then ur buds will prob b more dense cause b 4 the buds didnt have enough energy from the lights to grow to there maximum potential if u have any more questions send me a message peace


Active Member
Use the CFL's at least for the first few weeks but you could just use CFL's the whole time your doing vegetative growth. Then move em under your HPS when you go to 12/12 or just stick em under the HPS after a few weeks under the CFL's.

If you use the HPS all the way through your plants will stretch in vegetative a lot more than with the CFLs.


Well-Known Member
This is what I do and I am sure everybody has something to say.
When your little seedlings pop up with their two leafs, wait tell they get their other set before introducing your HPS. Now, this type of lighting can induce flowering on SOME plants and can (as I here)(this is another thing someone has to say) it might make more male than female. Well I dont know about that.
For seedlings, to me, its ideal to give them passive light with the right color temperature rather than giving them stronger lumans at a more orange/red spec.. But, introduce the HPS as soon as your plants have a few sets because their is nothing more better than a Short, thick stem plant with loads of strong laderals. I veg with HPS, except when I deal with outdoor plants- I use 200Watt CFLs.
Give it a shot, your 400HPS is a fairly week bulb and u can easly move the bulb up from your plants before placing them closer when they get older.. JUSt make sure your seeds are a few weeks old and have a few sets of leaves.. In your case, I might wait another week, or until sexing is clear.


Active Member
I think the best thing you can do is use the cfl's all through vegging and switch to your hps during flowering because if not its gonna make the plants lanky and stretch making the stem thinner and weaker


Well-Known Member
HPS will not make your plant lanky or weak, the idea is to build a strong, short plant with un wasted energy by having long langhty stocks. U see that sort of quality with MH growers. Some people might argue that comment but the next thing to say is that they dont know what they are missing!!!! HPS is the shit, unfor it does not focus on building roots much like the Flour will do.. CFL are to weak and take alot of time... I dont mean to sound like a cock sucker but its the way i come accross. Your 400HPS is not a strong bulb but it does knock the socks of a MH 400...
Maybe veg half with CFL and the other half with 400HPS... Give them 36hr dark to induce flower and place lights on for 12/12 for your months of flower..


Active Member
Lol if you give your plants 3 days of dark before you turn to 12/12 you are doing nothing but stressing your plants and more than likely turning them male or hermy. Good advice though.

Edit: And yes using HPS through veg is known to cause excessive stretching, although a lot of stretching is genetic.


Well-Known Member
bakeddude- I really hope that you consider the things you say before you say them.. I dont know about you or your set up, but it sounds like, to me, that you prob grow with 25 CFL in a box, thats located in a muskey crawl space and have absolutly NO idea about growing with HPS light. FIRST off. Do u know what cause a plant to stretch? DO not reply, because I do not want to play a pissing match. I am here to help and learn..
Next off. 36hrs of dark is not three days. I'ts a very commom way to trigger flower. I do it this way, rather than using high levels of PK as a shock. I use higher levels of PK later in flower.
I have grown, continously to have a good looking resume. Not once I have had a male plant or herm by doing what I do. Dont get silly. How many male or herm do u get by doing it your way?
Better yet. Dont waste your time- I will not read the forum.