help with lights???


Active Member
amazing germinatin rates i've got...
and i've got 10 mangoes, 2 feminised BBC, 1 feminised afghan kush and 2 from a random swiss outdoor mix.
they all crack open, but deciding that they were planted too close to the surface, i pushed my way in deeper with a toothpick and managed to get about half an inch deeper. the afghan kush and 1 mango are still under the surface but the rest have all popped up their cute lil things out. the tallest currently measures around 2 inches and the leaf which is kinds shaped like a spearmint leaf is neon green, the flat leaf being that kinda lime color.
the shortest is having some trouble getting the seed casing off itself and the top looks bruised? its like purplish in color and the seed casing hasnt completely opened..should i be worried for this lil girl? the sprouting was off to a hard start kus it was facing the wrong direction..

Q1) im using cfl lighting at 250watts for now, the light being held about 5 inches above the tallest mango. should it be higher up??

Q2) how often should i be watering my babies? how much evertime?

Q3) what is the ideal day/night ratio at this stage? this is the vegetative stage right?

Q4) some of my babies aren't straight, as in they stems are wavy like a hunchback. they will straighten out right??!

these are the questions i have for now, and i have been researching as much as possible via the internet. i have a very weak environment for the plants, but i am doing my very best so please do not hate. any help would be much appreciate =) pics were taken using my phone,.


pic#1 out of focus sorry!
pic#2 the above mentioned "bruised-looking seedling"
pic#3 hunchback seedlings
pic#4 tallest of em all! (looking way too lanky in my opinion)



Well-Known Member
First off nice strains.

q1)no, not higher. closer if possible

q2) transplant first, bury the stem.

q3) yes its veg, 18/6 or 24/0 your choice

q4)they stretched and therefore have weak stems, bury that skinny bitch

as far as the "bruising" don't worry about it, its normal to see variations in color. it'll green up after gettin some good light.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
First off nice strains.

q1)no, not higher. closer if possible

q2) transplant first, bury the stem.

q3) yes its veg, 18/6 or 24/0 your choice

q4)they stretched and therefore have weak stems, bury that skinny bitch

as far as the "bruising" don't worry about it, its normal to see variations in color. it'll green up after gettin some good light.
I agree 100% and give ya +Rep fer sure!
Also, wat Kelvin ratin are yer CFL's?


Well-Known Member
ya u'll need around 6500 kelvin rating. i used to use 5000k and they worked fine. then switch over to 2600k if ur still using CFL's for flowering. u should invest in an HPS or metal halide and a ballast.


Well-Known Member
I suggest both bulb types for flowering.

I've seen flowering 6500k versus 1:1 6500k:2700k. The ones with both flower more vigorously, and have usually been bushier. The ones with 6500k only continue to veg for a longer period, and out-grow the others.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
If yer gonna use 1 Kelvin ratin thru out yer grow, it needs to be 2700K. I am curious as to wat he is runnin. 5500K wud be the most ideal fer veg, 2700fer flower. These are things I know, thru trial and error. So, I'm fairly well versed w/CFL's, if ya are wonderin


Active Member
what do you mean by bury?
do i dd more peat moss and cover the stem with it?
or do i have to dig everything out and go through a huge proccess?!
and how much of the stem should i bury?
i was thinking nature will find it's way and they will have their roots set over time, but i just need to know.


Well-Known Member
It would help greatly if you could provide us with a pic. for now, i would say just add soil until the last inch of the stem is covered.