just checked my res temp in flower, its 62.........your thoughts??? any way to raise it easily? i have the buckets sitting up off the floor on piece of styrofoam
62 is a little low but I would rather run them like that than above 70! Running above 70 increases the chance of root rot! Why is there such a difference in res temps but not in air temps! And if he never checks ph, he is a lucky fucker!!!!!!
because in the garage cool air is being brought in, about 50-55, into grow room. where as in the basements it more constent because its a basement and wee insulated with the ground. i run a little heater at night which keeps the temps about 70, but its not warming up the resivoirs apparently
So are you saying that your room temps are basisly the same?? I really don't think the res temps is the problem, I try to keep mine 65-68!! Another thought about the res temps, go check his with your thermometer or visa versa if you have not!!