Help with Marijuana Plants


New Member
So, my friend's house use to be a place where they would hold parties. They would always be outside by a campfire and would throw the seeds from rolling joints/blunts everywhere..

Now there are what I think marijuana plants growing everywhere. They decided to dig a few up and try to actually grow a few.

They have been mowed over, but she is a gardener and can have these plants healthy in no time.

Also, does it mean its male because of the things at the top?

Here are some pictures:

yea the first one is a female not sure about the others but for safety keep the first one a way from the others unless you know for sure


New Member
Ok, yeah she just pulled em outa the ground today and put them in those pots for now. She's getting bigger pots tomorrow I believe? I will know when I talk to her again. I told her I would try and help her out so that is what I am doing. We were afraid that they were males because of the top of a few of them. I know they look horrible atm, but again that's because they were mowed over lol. But she is awesome when bringing plants back to life and to full health.
Thanks so much for the replies! I will try to keep you updated ; )


New Member
I was just sayin... I don think that is what you think it is..
Yeah I have no idea if that is what it is. She says it is because they never grew in her backyard until people started to throw seeds into the yard. I am a smoker but I have never grown before..and I don't think she has either, however, we have both seen other people grow.

We were worried about the 'bud/grape' looking things at the tops of some of them because they kinda looked like seeds but when you look closer there are little hairs all over it and like the formation of leaves as well.

These are not all of the plants she got. I will try to find a picture of the one that looks the 'healthiest' but smallest and maybe that will help you identify if its 'a weed' or a 'MJ plant'?

Again thank you all so very much for the help! I really appreciate it!
Those don't loook like marijuana plants to me.. more like a cleome or spider plant, what does look very alike marijuna plant..


Active Member
I have heard this story before. Starting the same way. The whole "Oh the other day I found these growing because we threw our seeds here".....Ohh how the story never ends with success. Someone tries to move it, or just doesn't know what they're doing.

But...that isn't weed at all, if it is..... then it is in horrible shape. if it was budding, it isn't going to transplant well, let alone what's the point?

Funny thread. Epic EPIC! newb status and wtf's.

Also if that was weed, it would probably be Ruderalis ditch weed.

Yikes. :o

If you have an interest in growing I suggest doing it the right way. By buying quality seeds from a breedern or seed source that deserves to be paid for their work, or by getting clones from a legit place where you can donate for them.

This whole thread is about curiosity.

lol@ the plant in that little whit vase. like I said. WTF!


Active Member
Yup guys I think you are right. She's gonna be disappointed so I'll have to get her some actual seeds or a small one for her to grow haha..

Found another thread about weeds and this is one of them that looks exactly like hers

Potentilla pulcherrima is what it is

Thanks for all the help!
That's interesting man. Good find. You could kinda fool some stupid people with that. :weed:


New Member
Yup, gonna have to find her some actual seeds for her to grow since I know she will be sad in knowing it isn't a MJ plant.

I guess the one in the white vase as an experiment? She said it was just water in it and nothing else to see how well it would do haha.. dont' ask me I have no idea.

Also, it is Potentilla recta to be exact.