Help with mid flower humidity!

Hey guys, new to the forum and I need some help. So here's what I got, a 32" x 32" x 70". 600w HPS and a 230 CFM inline exhaust fan with a 11" fan blowing from the ground and a 7" blowing slightly downward. 3 perlite hempys(first grow, already plans for hydro on second). I run about 80° and 45% RH /w light on, but when the lights go off the RH shoots up to 70 at 70°! The exhaust fan runs 24/7 with all the fans is there enough airflow to comfortably avoid mowery mildew and budrot? I don't want to get a dehumidifier butbwhat can I do? Thanks for the help. Again.. Noob here. Lol


Well-Known Member
There are 3 things you can do to manage humidity, you're doing one (exhaust). You can try bringing in fresh air with another inline fan, if it's drier than the air in the tent it will reduce humidity. The third is a dehumidifier if the first two don't do it. I have 4 grow areas and have never had to resort to putting in a dehumidifier, just use active incoming and exhaust to maintain humidity and temps. Incoming fresh air that's drier than the tent air is your best bet if available.
Yea I run them. Might be another noob questiin but...With all three fans going and the exhaust creating enough negative pressure to suck in air from the vents.. Could I ignore the night humidity and avoid problems? Or am I just being too hopeful lol.


Well-Known Member
What you want is cool air coming in and extract hot or warm air. The three fan is too much at night because all youre doing is generating and storming the humidity causing it to circulate at the command of three fan air 6" is all you need to circulate fresh in take air. It also helps to have a window open by the tent to mingle fresh cool night air. I just did a thread on humidity. Check it out. It will strengthen your perception on humidity and how to deal with it. Three fans at night too much. One fan is all you need to keep fresh air circulation and it will prevent mold and bud rot. Also a dehumidifier will save not only a plants life but yours as well. Get one 40-50 bucks. I got one coming for sure.


Well-Known Member
Another thing dont have the fans blowing your plnts that causes stress on the girls. You want your plants calm with slight saying or breezing.
Hey thanks! Do you think the 1 6" exaust fan is creating enoigh negaive pressure to circulate new air to the plamts? Or do i need one blowing on them? Im going to try damprid before i go buy that damn dehuey


Well-Known Member
Yea that one is good but i just added another one to send air through the large holes at the bottom of my 11 gallon pot. But yes the one fan will oscillate for you. The dehuey will be a prize youd be killing a few birds with one stone. We're talking some odor as well, mold, spores, allergy eater you know fresh recycled air.


Well-Known Member
it gets humid as where i live so a dehumidifier is needed. i connect the exhaust of the dehum to my pasive intake works mint


Well-Known Member
What i meant was one fan will get the job done. You can position it differently. An oscillation fan would be good a slim tower cooling fan. Check them out on face book. They will provide air cooling and humidity reduction. As you the cool air reduces humidity. Also if you have cool temps outside open a window thats what im doing now. Low (rh).
Hey everybody thanks for your help, I finally have my humidity under control :-D. I now have a new issue lol. A few weeks ago I found powdery mildew on my diamond og. I quickly removed and treated with diluted milk.took care of the problem... Until this morning. I JUST got my humidity under control like last night. With humidity stable at 35% day and less than 50% at night... Will the PM go away?


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody thanks for your help, I finally have my humidity under control :-D. I now have a new issue lol. A few weeks ago I found powdery mildew on my diamond og. I quickly removed and treated with diluted milk.took care of the problem... Until this morning. I JUST got my humidity under control like last night. With humidity stable at 35% day and less than 50% at night... Will the PM go away?
Hey Kitty, glad to hear you got your humidity under control. PM is another pain in the ass, imo it's not CAUSED by high humidity, but will thrive in it. The source is likely outdoors in your area, my area is covered in it and it's been quite a fight to keep it out of my indoor grows. If you have any outside air making it's way into your grow area, filter it well or you'll continue to get it.
Some observations on PM from monitoring:
I traced my source to outdoors, eventually cut off outside air from coming into my room
High humidity does not help for sure so hopefully you can keep it in check
Some strains, from my observations seem to like it more but there are strains that are more resistant to it. Most sats or sat-dom strains I've run seem to have an inherent ability to fight it. One particular strain I ran (now culled) was a magnet for it, Platinum Bubba Kush. I ran what I had left outdoor when I realized it was so bad indoor, had to spray it down weekly to keep it at bay.
My area has PM on many bushes, those in the lilac family seem the worst, some have almost white leaves it's so bad :(

I've tried and successfully kept it out of my indoor grows by spraying the plants every 7-10 days. Any more than 10 days and if they had it, it will show up again, it doesn't go away, it's like a cancer once they get it. If you let it go, it will spread quickly and out of control to the point where you may as well cull the plants as they won't recover. Knowing it's in the air, I now spray my indoor plants at 7-10 intervals to prevent it and it's been working well with no issues since I first got it. Last couple of rounds I've sprayed them throughout veg and one last time before they begin flowering, no PM has shown up. I also do not bring any plants in from outside, or even soil that's been out there open/exposed.

I've tried milk up to 15%, h202 up to 5%, and a mix of baking soda/vegetable or olive oil (olive oil seems better), and soap. The latter seemed to work the best for me at about 1/4 tspn of baking soda, 1/16 tspn olive oil and a few drops of dish soap, per litre of water (4L = ~1gal). It dilutes/dissolves/mixes and works better if you prepare it a couple of days ahead of applying it, shake it daily.

You'll need to spray until they're finished, then clean your room well (I do it anyhow between runs whether I need it or not), seal or heavily filter any incoming outside air and avoid bringing anything into your room from outdoor. Have a look around and you'll likely find it outdoors, it's a bitch. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
The white circles is residue from the milk treatment. But you can see some PM. Whatcha think? Also what's that on the leaves near the buds, they don't look like trichs, is that more PM?
Sure looks like it, you can clearly see it towards the tip of the largest leaf in the pic :(
How that's an interesting thought that the pm could he in the area. Could be, but my tent is in my room, just might have to add an intake filter. Thanks. As for your lather mix, im about 3 or 4 weeks in flower would thus mix be safe for my ladies? It sounds a heck of a lot better than milk lol. How long does the lather mix need to sit?