Help with Mr. Green video please... ASAP


Well-Known Member
First of all thank you for viewing and trying to help. I'm really frustrated, and I'm sure somebody out there can help me. i was in the middle of building my first hydroponic closet when a friend suggested I watch the Mr. Green video. I took a lot of his tricks and applied them to what I was doing, but some of the things I liked most about his build I can't find ANYWHERE around here. I have tried Lowe's, Home Depot, LTD Farm and Garden, Tractor Supply, and even called a few nurseries. Nobody has any idea where to look, which makes me wonder WTF!... These are primo gardening centers! I mean some of these things seem to be parts you would expect to find at all of the gardening centers. Long story short this is what I'm looking for...

*The 1" nozzles with 1/2" o.d. used for draining.

*The Spider looking contraption that takes the 1/2" water input, and splits it to 6 or 8 separate lines with drippers on the ends.

*lol the cheap black plastic "Planter" (yea see this is something I new would be easy to find at ANY garden center...WRONG!) that he sat his Veg. plants in.

*The brands, and types of nutrients he uses. (I'm not in a big hurry for these, but it would be good to know ahead of time.)

I think I have everything else I need. I fear my pump is too big, but its the smallest I could find. 50-80 gallon per hour fountain pump, but I hope the dripper's will slow this down. Please Please Please, Try and see if you know a good place to find these items. If you find a place online, send me a link, If its a local shop, PM me a number, If its a big chain store, tell me a name. I desperately need help! Thanks Everybody!... I have my fingers AND TOES crossed, the toes hurt a little so hurry! just kidding =o)


Well-Known Member
check out Stealth Bubbleponics and look under irrigation parts I believe...very good resource for those


Well-Known Member
well there manifold looks like what im looking for, however it is alot bigger scale and attaches to a water hose, but we are on he right track. Im looking for something that attaches to a 1/2" hose fed by a pump and splits 6 or 8 ways to a dripper at the end of each split


Well-Known Member
Those are the parts that I use in my Rubbermaid containers. 1/2" flexible tubing is what I use, hope that helps.


Mr Green uses General Hydroponics Flora series nutes. the squid looking thingie that allows you to water the seperate containers is called an irrigation manifold, I know of a couple of companies that make them DiG and Toro and Maverick. an easy place to get one is from look under irrigation parts. if you get one there (or anywhere really) don't forget you will need an adapter to go from the squid looking thingie to the 1/2 inch hose from yer pump. stealth hydro sells the adapter for $1.99. also sells the manifolds (under retrofit parts) and adaptors plus most and other irrigation parts anyone could want. consider finding a local hydro store for your ebb & flow set up. they will sell exactly what Mr Green uses as his 4X2 ft black plastic tub thingie, won't be so cheap but will last forever. good luck!


Buy your distribution spider thing at Home depot in the underground sprinkler section and go to your nearest hydroponics store to get the trays and they will direct you to where to get the other parts. {HOPEFULLY}
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Mr Green uses General Hydroponics Flora series nutes. the squid looking thingie that allows you to water the seperate containers is called an irrigation manifold, I know of a couple of companies that make them DiG and Toro and Maverick. an easy place to get one is from look under irrigation parts. if you get one there (or anywhere really) don't forget you will need an adapter to go from the squid looking thingie to the 1/2 inch hose from yer pump. stealth hydro sells the adapter for $1.99. also sells the manifolds (under retrofit parts) and adaptors plus most and other irrigation parts anyone could want. consider finding a local hydro store for your ebb & flow set up. they will sell exactly what Mr Green uses as his 4X2 ft black plastic tub thingie, won't be so cheap but will last forever. good luck!
God where were you when I need you lol
I took a 50-80gph fountian pump, to 1/2" hose and then poked holes in that hose to insert the plugs that go to the 1/4 in hose. I don't really like the setup, but it seems to be working decently. As for the tubs, I just used the bottom of an old ferret cage I have. It took A LOT of maguyvering*, but shit, Maybe it will work. Thanks for your help thou