Help with my grow


Alright here's the jist, I'm a virgin when it comes to this but i'm sick of payin out the nose and I dont want brick weed. Here's what I got goin on. 2 of those Energy Efficient Bulb things, they are as high on wattage as i could find. I have them in the tray things that you buy at like wal mart. There's about 24 black squares about 2x2. I have germinated them and they are about 2" maybe 2.5" and they've been in this stuff called Seed Starter : Professional grower's Mix. Ingredients are Sphagnum peat. horticultural vermiculite, perlite, wetting agent and lime for ph balance. * right off the bag * I have the light on them 24 hours for the past 2 days I have about 4 maybe 5 plants poppin up all about the same size. I water them in the a.m. and in the p.m. I use bottled water figured it's pure. So my question is what do I do here? Like when i come to week 2 do i change lighting? Do i use miracle grow? Again i'm new. So use regular lingo like you were tellin one of your high buddies how to do it. I need it basic and eventually here i'll become a botanist. But for now I'm a noob. Anyone with helping advice it's very appreciated. I put the grow inside a little contained area that has tinfoil taped to the 3 walls and a cover to keep all other light/exterior stuff out. I found a little bug in it and i killed it. Haven't seen anymore since I kept it outside for a couple days on my deck during the day and brought it inside during night and put it under light. I realize this is alot so i'm gonna stop now. Thanks guys