Help with my growrooms lighting?

Jake k

New Member
hello! I just switched over to 3 - 800w kingled double chip
From 3 - 400w Mh bulbs , grown so tired of my
Hest issues/ root rot/ heat stress as I was getting temps over 90, even with ventilation coming in and directly outside . Glad tonday this has worked I have a 6.5x6.5 room and figured 2400!watts will be good but actual power consumption is 180 w so times 3 lights that only enough for 3x3 area , so I guess my question is did I just waste money on lights not even close to being powerful enough ?


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Do you have a PAR meter. They look like they should be lowered to provide more umoles to the plants. It looks like the light is efficient for the first 24" or less. Look at he wall scalloping that is your light capacity.
you may need stronger lights. Hard to tell from the photo alone
What do you mean wall scalloping ?? And the manufacture said these lights should be 3 feet away minimum , I don't have par reader but do have the cheap 3 in 1 and Lux reader on my phone and those do seem to most highest within 24 inches... not sure if that's even what I'm suppose to be measuring ?? What if I split the room in half ? With the same lights , would they. Be more effective ? And does that mean i can't grow more than 2ft high plants ??? How many plants would be good for this room and light?
If I get one more 2000 wattt king would that for sure settle my light issue ? Use the 2000 from above and use the 800s from the side for better penatration ? Or place all above??
hello! I just switched over to 3 - 800w kingled double chip
From 3 - 400w Mh bulbs , grown so tired of my
Hest issues/ root rot/ heat stress as I was getting temps over 90, even with ventilation coming in and directly outside . Glad tonday this has worked I have a 6.5x6.5 room and figured 2400!watts will be good but actual power consumption is 180 w so times 3 lights that only enough for 3x3 area , so I guess my question is did I just waste money on lights not even close to being powerful enough ?
You don't need a par meter, you need a lot more light. Roughly 40 watts of LED per square foot is recommended.
If I get one more 2000 wattt king would that for sure settle my light issue ? Use the 2000 from above and use the 800s from the side for better penatration ? Or place all above??
One more 2000? You said you have three 800's that are actually 180 watts.
hello! I just switched over to 3 - 800w kingled double chip
From 3 - 400w Mh bulbs , grown so tired of my
Hest issues/ root rot/ heat stress as I was getting temps over 90, even with ventilation coming in and directly outside . Glad tonday this has worked I have a 6.5x6.5 room and figured 2400!watts will be good but actual power consumption is 180 w so times 3 lights that only enough for 3x3 area , so I guess my question is did I just waste money on lights not even close to being powerful enough ?

sadly yes, you can try selling them on craigslist to see if you can salvage some money back.
So what if I cut the room down to a 4x4 Have the 3 800w with 180 each of actual power consumption and A 2000 w with 400 actual power consumption that works out to be about 40 to 50 w per square foot ?
Also my 3 in 1 light gauge has a scale 0-2000 is the the wave length I need ? Do I want that to sit around 500 mark ?
So what if I cut the room down to a 4x4 Have the 3 800w with 180 each of actual power consumption and A 2000 w with 400 actual power consumption that works out to be about 40 to 50 w per square foot ?

To be honest I wouldn't bother picking up another one of those blurple lights. Just going to further you in the hole. Look at buying a fixture from TastyLed, or timber for a prebuilt option and supplement with your 180w leds you currently have.
hello! I just switched over to 3 - 800w kingled double chip
From 3 - 400w Mh bulbs , grown so tired of my
Hest issues/ root rot/ heat stress as I was getting temps over 90, even with ventilation coming in and directly outside . Glad tonday this has worked I have a 6.5x6.5 room and figured 2400!watts will be good but actual power consumption is 180 w so times 3 lights that only enough for 3x3 area , so I guess my question is did I just waste money on lights not even close to being powerful enough ?
3 , 800w burple cheapie's = 600w total w/ all 3?
Should've just bought an AC.
Use those to supplement your hps n mh & get an AC IMO.
I changed things up drastically I got 915 actuall draw coming from my led kings and thru one 400wMh back in there new grow room , 6.4 x 3 feet fully low-e seal (90 percent reflective )


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My 3 in 1 light reader has a gauge of 0 -2000? What is this reading ? The frequencyof the light ? It should it be around 500 ?