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For a rookie? Soil will help him learn the plant. Hydro is overwhelming for first time growers.

man I started in dwc with shitty homer buckets and walmart air pumps, room temps off the chart,didn't know jack shit, had NEVER grown a thing. had 4 plants go over an lb and a half. hell one went 12 zips itself.depends on the grower, this guys has had some experience in soil already though it seems.
I wasn't intimidated by the people that told me that I better start in soil, I find hydro easier than soil actually.
I find it easyer too. And after reading these questions I don't think he has much indoor growing. When I started inside I spent alot of my time fixing light and temp problems. So I found it easyer to just water soil until I got that all fixed then moved to hydro. Not saying people can't start with hydro but think other problems will keep them from the day to day that comes with it.
its been a few years now , i'm still not ready to take that jump to hydro. i had a small setup gifted to me and it was sensitive as a mofo
get a fucking scope and check the bottoms of your leaves AND look at the soil with the scope!
actually maybe he could do coco , that's as simple as soil yet the results are much much better.
Op hasn't been here sence first post. And left it wide open. We have all given him things to think about so a don't realy think we got sidetracked. Or atleast more then normal. Lol.
guess it is kinda hard to sidetrack 9 fucking noob questions :/
jk op.I look forward to seeing how it comes out!
errrr, 10, I just saw this one...........I have been thinking about putting a small/medium size fish in each pot when I transfer the plants to their final 3gal or larger pots for budding. Thoughts?
Op must be native american . since you're in soil I'd recommend the roots organic buddah lineup, good stuff and no need for dead fish in the soil.