Help with my qwiso...


New Member
So I decided to make a super small batch of qwiso for the first time to prepare myself for a bigger batch I'll be making this weekend. I used 1.5 of just stems to see how it would go. I used 91% iso, a white coffee filter, a jar, and a pretty fine strainer. The process was as followed.. I put the stems in the jar and put just enough iso to cover them and shook not too vigorously. I then poured the contents of the jar into the mesh strainer with a coffee filter attached underneath of it. I let that drain onto the plate and then dumped the stems back into the jar, added a smaller amount of iso and shook for a shorter time. I also strained that on the same plate since it was such a small amount. Then I let it blow dry on cool. Anyways my end product looked almost like keif or hash with a few small balls of darker wax. I will upload my end result of you could tell me if this looks right and what I could do next time to maybe get a better yield. Thanks! 20181003_175703.jpg20181003_175703.jpg

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
The stuff that looks like keif is what you scraped up, right?

Elsewise it looks like oil.

When you say "bigger batch", how big are you talking?
The more weed you're processing, the longer it takes and requires more effort.


New Member
Well this was only 1.5g of stems I'll be doing like an ounce of trim this weekend. And yeah it looked and smoked like keif so that's why I was confused.