Help With my SCRog Grow


Well-Known Member
Here's my problem, my grow space height is only 3' 4" and the light it self takes up about 6 inches, and i have to leave at least a half inch so that it wont burn the ceiling of the room, and then i have to keep the light about 8 inches away so that the plants don't burn, the pots take up space and there needs to be room between the scrog and the pots, this doesn't leave much room for the cola's. i wanted to grow 4-6 plants and i'm thinking a 150 inst enough, but the 250 is even larger and that means more room between the plants and the light as well. i was planning on using some cfl's for the sides as well. Can someone PLEASE give me advice, i just invested a bunch of money in this project and i'm getting scared that it was all a waste :wall:





Well-Known Member
I would say if you want either a 250 or 150, get the 250 watt. more light, more bud. and since you have room to grow up to a little over three feet, it should be great. Have you already taken into consideration room temps? Could you properly cool a 400 watt system in your area? I just purchased a 400w from HTG supply and its great so far, and I've read that its more bang for your buck to get a 400 watt.


Well-Known Member
eventually i will upgrade my equipment, but for now i'm only looking to grow about 4 plants with some cfl's combined. do you think i will have enough room for the 250watt? how high do the colas grow when u scrog? and how deep does my soil have to be?


Well-Known Member
No one can answer my question? aren't we on this forum to help and learn from each other. it's not right if you get the info you want and don't bother to help others =/


Well-Known Member
m8 im a noob but dosent scrog mean sreen of green and differs from sog because when the plants grow through the screen u are ment to force the branches back through the screen and they grow underneth along the screen its ment to restrict the hight of the plant. also its just an idea but instead of planting in pots y dont u get 2 really fat bags of soil and lye them on the floor of grow room and cut holes plant strait into the bags might give ya extra wee bit ya need


Well-Known Member
scrog is used for areas that are limited spaces. This would work, but you would have to train the plants really small.


Active Member
mate is your strain indica or sativa or what, if its indica u'll have short bushier fuckers, if sativa then its gonna grow to tall on ya limited height space, either way ur gonna have to flower them pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea but if ur plants r clones u can start flowering at about 10-12 inches thats wa im doin myself cus i only have 5 foot hight also try topping make them bushier not so tall i think u can top the same branch twice with no negitive results sorry i cant be more help on size of colas im a first timer