Help with My Setup Pics!


Thank you for those who are reading my post. I have a setup that i made myself from scratch. I have two set ups one is DWC in a 5 gallon bucket with two pumps a 40 gallon and a 60 gallon ( bubbles!!) i have a second setup with a 5 gallon tote same pumps. I have 4 seedlings that are growing in soil right now.

These are my questions:

I have three florescent lights on for 12 hrs a day 12 hrs of darkness are these lights efficient enough?

One of my seedlings stem is purple the others are white as a ghost but the leaves are really green is that normal?

I purchased co2 powder for aquariums I heard this can be utilized in hydroponics is this true?

I was told only to give ph leveled water to my seedlings only, since plant food is to much for them?

Do i have to start in dirt and transfer to hydroponics or can i germinate and place the seedlings in between claystones?

Is EarthJuice Grow sufficient enough for my plant and when should i start using it?

Sorry im new at this and everywhere i looked i got mixed answerPurple Stem.jpgSpider Mites.jpg so i thought i join a forum :) happy growing

Here are the pics i know its hard to see but the white edge is several little white dots that were not there last night before i went to bed

The purple stem is also included


Well-Known Member
dude get some legit soil that looks like just dirt and they sell pestacides for nats and spidermites and any hydro store just ask happy growing


Thanks for the advice man appreciate it sadly i haven't gotten the chance to grab soil yet. there's only one hydro store that's a good 1hr 1/2 away sucks i just planted these this week because they were germinated to soon. Any suggestions as to what i should grab?


Well-Known Member
Supz donut. I've never germinated seeds in soil before. The paper towel method worked for me 100%. I just moved them into the rockwool when their taproots were roughly 1/4"-1/2" long with the root pointed down. Cover em up lightly and they popped in a matter of days. I would assume transferring a rooted seedling from dirt to hydro would prove kinda difficult and messy, but hey...if it works for ya then rock it out ;) I would give your plants WATER only for the first 2 weeks or so until they get some root systems and actual growth going. PH levels should be between 5.5-6.5 roughly and you should be good. PH Up/Down is pretty cheap at a pet store. Sounds like you have adequate aeration for your rez' so u should be good. Good luck and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Transfering plants from soil to soiless is a joke....Ive done it and dont like it. If you try to transfer them too early they die, later on and its a mess. your ppm/ec is never EVER right throughout the grow, i dont care how many water changes you do, you always have dirt floating in your water. leave your lights on for 24 hours, 12/12 is for the flower photoperiod. invest in better lights, t5's minimum. How I did my soil to soiless plants as follows:

1. popped seeds in seed starters (the ones you can get from big box stores)

2. once everyone was popped I transfered from the seed starter/dome to 1 gal pots with quality soil, I would suggest something that is 0-0-0.

3. Once they were in the soil I placed them under a t5 fixture for about 14 days, This was probably too long since I made a mess transfering them to soiless

4. Get some kind of no shock, I used NO SHOCK from AN. Water your plants in soil with half strength NO SHOCK Wait at least 6 hours, Then begin to transfer from soil to soiless.

5. Knock as much dirt as you can from the roots (you will break some roots too). Get a bucket of water to dip the roots in just to try to clean them off a little more, you will have to change this bucket of water about every 2 plants you do.

6. Add your plants to your resevoir add half strength B vitamins and half strength no shock for 3-5 days, change the water after maximum of 5 days, dont be lazy. IT will take about 1 week for the plants to come back around.

(You dont have to use no shock or B vitamins, they will take off without it, it just takes a little longer.)


Well-Known Member
Get sum foxfarm ocean forest soil or coco and if you can all of the fox farm nutes they work magic


Well-Known Member
Get sum foxfarm ocean forest soil or coco and if you can all of the fox farm nutes they work magic
I think he meant to say Fox Farm Light Warrior for your seedlings...They will take off in the Ocean Forest but personally I used the Light Warrior. I have used both OF and LW with better success in the LW with seedlings and clones.