Help with new watering method please


Well-Known Member
I have to make a change to the way I water my plants in my 4 x 4 tents. My 3 and 4 foot stake method has failed and I have colas flopping over like crazy @ 8 and 9 weeks in.

I want to change to a trellis method and once done I will not be able to move the front plants out of the way to water by hand. I have my tents all over the place so it has to be moveable with ease.

I'd like to keep my 5 gallon bucket and try getting some kind of powered water wand to suck the water right out of the bucket. Is there something like this out there? Or would I need to rig up some kind of pump connected to the wand?
Thanks for the reply.

Do you need a reservoir for that? Can't use a res. Tents are too far apart in different rooms.
You would need a res for blumats. The res needs to be elevated 3 feet off the ground as the system is gravity fed. You could use 1 res per tent.
Well yes. You could have multiple reservoirs and if mounted above the pots would be gravity feed.
No room for that because I have a lot of tents. Mix a bucket and feed 'em :blsmoke:

Just got to figure out how to reach the back plants when the trellis is up. Water wand sucking my nutes out of a 5 gallon bucket would work. Searching for a powered wand but seeing people use pumps with rigged up connections to the wand. Not so many good ones tho.
Nice to see different ways of doing things.

I should have explained how I currently feed my plants. I have a lot of tents in different rooms far apart. I only have one res and that holds my R/O water. So I fill up a 5 gallon bucket and mix my nutes. Then I hand water all the plants in the tent by moving the front ones out of the way and working my way backwards.

But with a trellis I wont be able to do that anymore. I will need a long wand to get to the back plants and some method of forcing the water thru the wand.

I can't have lines running every which way. I need to keep things invisible if you get my drift :blsmoke:
What about some kind of aquarium pump or fountain pump with a hose on it diy your own rig
Ya a decent powered pump that can force water nicely thru the wand. I just need a way to hook it up to the wand. There has to be a fitting/s that fit from the pump to the wand. I think I know what to do just don't know what parts I'll need.
Ya a decent powered pump that can force water nicely thru the wand. I just need a way to hook it up to the wand. There has to be a fitting/s that fit from the pump to the wand. I think I know what to do just don't know what parts I'll need.
Plumbing isle at the big box will have all you need. Get a general idea of hose thickness. Probably 5/8” or 3/4”. And some of those hose clamps
What I use take the spraying tip off it'll allow water to come out faster.


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