Help with organics

thanks my friend, i try not to water to too much run off as ive heard on other forums about washing away good bacteria when over watering with living soil.
Ive been giving mine about 6L water each in 7 gallon / 30l fabric pots.
I water in relatively slowly but the runoff i get always gets sucked back up by the plant within 5 / 10mins.
Im wondering if 6L is enough water for a 30L fabric pot. Maybe i could push to 7L just to make sure i saturate the medium, leaving no potential dry spots in soil. Do you think that could be a cause ?
I’ll post some pics of the ladies today after feeding them a tea.
Use aloe or yucca powder. It's a wetting agent that breaks surface tension and more evenly saturates the soil. Prevents dry spots. 1.325 liters is 5% of 30 liters.
thanks my friend, i try not to water to too much run off as ive heard on other forums about washing away good bacteria when over watering with living soil.
Ive been giving mine about 6L water each in 7 gallon / 30l fabric pots.
I water in relatively slowly but the runoff i get always gets sucked back up by the plant within 5 / 10mins.
Im wondering if 6L is enough water for a 30L fabric pot. Maybe i could push to 7L just to make sure i saturate the medium, leaving no potential dry spots in soil. Do you think that could be a cause ?
I’ll post some pics of the ladies today after feeding them a tea.
@Richard Drysift gave correct solution. He knows a lot about this subject so listen to him closely.
You aren't gonna believe the difference @Hollatchaboy :blsmoke: I run a coots mix soil. I mixed in some Dr. Earth dry ammendments at 1/4 strength, and added a few small trenches of the same stuff, probably 3 tbs per trench. Then I top dressed with dry ammendments when I flipped to flower, and lightly watered that in. Other than that, its been straight well water with a ph around 7. Plants have been bigger and much more vigorous. Knock on wood, but life has been so simple since I switched to them. Well, other than having to keep them in order, they get thick with foliage fast :mrgreen:
I honestly don’t know; I’m not familiar with those nutrients but guano is like super concentrated. A little goes a long way. I doubt any if your issues are NPK related. Your mix just needs is a boost of microbial activity. Aactea will do that; give it a week after applying a worm tea and I bet these plants green right back up.
Don’t worry too much about purpling stems. Maybe have seen somewhere it says that purple stems indicates a P deficiency but it’s more likely a result of sluggish microbial activity which keeps ph in range. Most of the time when people think their soil is “depleted” it has in fact just become inactive. It is actually not all that easy to keep soil in an indoor container highly active over the long term.
I agree, but the purple stems are an indicator of a deficiency whether it's ph related or depletion. Ime, some purpling doesn't seem to affect my plants, but when the stems get straight purple, I have problems. I try not to let them purple but I need to get my top dress timing down a lil better. Lol
You aren't gonna believe the difference @Hollatchaboy :blsmoke: I run a coots mix soil. I mixed in some Dr. Earth dry ammendments at 1/4 strength, and added a few small trenches of the same stuff, probably 3 tbs per trench. Then I top dressed with dry ammendments when I flipped to flower, and lightly watered that in. Other than that, its been straight well water with a ph around 7. Plants have been bigger and much more vigorous. Knock on wood, but life has been so simple since I switched to them. Well, other than having to keep them in order, they get thick with foliage fast :mrgreen:
I'm in fabric pots right now unfortunately, so I'm stoked to see the difference. I feel my roots suffer in the damn fabric pots due to drying out on the sides to fast. I'm gonna start my earth box with bas 3.0 and take it no till from there. After I learn that I'm gonna try a grassroots bed.
I thought growing was meant to be relaxing and therapeutic lol. Nothing has ever stressed me out as much as growing weed lol
Try growing dwc! The stress damn near gave me a stroke! One of the reasons I'm going organic. It's actually much easier and relaxing. Especially no till. Lol
Try growing dwc! The stress damn near gave me a stroke! One of the reasons I'm going organic. It's actually much easier and relaxing. Especially no till. Lol

lol i bet dwc is hard work.
Ive tasted weed from coco, dwc and soil and for me, soil ( organics ) definitely has the best taste, would you agree ?
lol i bet dwc is hard work.
Ive tasted weed from coco, dwc and soil and for me, soil ( organics ) definitely has the best taste, would you agree ?
You can get the soil taste from coco if you include some organics along with your synthetic nutes. Try fulvic acid and kelp. I think you'll taste a difference.
Get some grokashi, some good ewc like bas or cowoco, or better yet start a worm bin. Bas has really good dry amendments. I personally use their craft blend. Gaia green are pretty good too. Don't skimp on ewc or compost though. Good quality ones are going to contain the most microbial life. Throw some worms in your pots also. Just remember in living organic soil, you feed the microbial life, they'll feed your plant.
You can get the soil taste from coco if you include some organics along with your synthetic nutes. Try fulvic acid and kelp. I think you'll taste a difference.

ive used kelp for the first time this run and smells like im on the beach in the grow tent lol. Ive read good things about seaweed and apparently very good for cannabis
You aren't gonna believe the difference @Hollatchaboy :blsmoke: I run a coots mix soil. I mixed in some Dr. Earth dry ammendments at 1/4 strength, and added a few small trenches of the same stuff, probably 3 tbs per trench. Then I top dressed with dry ammendments when I flipped to flower, and lightly watered that in. Other than that, its been straight well water with a ph around 7. Plants have been bigger and much more vigorous. Knock on wood, but life has been so simple since I switched to them. Well, other than having to keep them in order, they get thick with foliage fast :mrgreen:
Do you recycle your soil?
ive used kelp for the first time this run and smells like im on the beach in the grow tent lol. Ive read good things about seaweed and apparently very good for cannabis
I've always used kelp for a long time. It has naturally occurring hormones which help with plant growth.

This is the kelp product I use these days. I really like it a lot for my hydro drip feed system, as it's very clean just like the name implies:

I've always used kelp for a long time. It has naturally occurring hormones which help with plant growth.

This is the kelp product I use these days. I really like it a lot for my hydro drip feed system, as it's very clean just like the name implies:


is kelp more effective in tea or top dress ? How much would you top dress in 30L pot ?