help with outdoor shed


Well-Known Member
so i have a few questions about growing in a shed thats outdoors and exposed to the elements. i shed i have is similar to this one here ( ). what should i expect ? i live down south where its hot and humid aaaaaall the time, however the shed keeps relatively cool. on a bad day it can get around 96-98 degrees. now with winter coming it drops down to the low 50's what should i expect then? lol so many questions. also if anyone has legal advise i would appreciate it as well.
Man my plans for the longest was to build a shed for growing. Insolate the shit out of it and run a big ass miniaplit since I live in town, if I lived in the country window ac unit would be cheaper but you have to watch out bc the leak a lil oder out. But after looking further into it I think renting a cheap place in the country under a fake name would be a better rout. Idk but ill be fallowing your post buddy.
yeah man ive been a closet grower for a good 3 years now and this is the first time i dont have indoor space. i cant use my fans out there either man those things are big and loud. it looks like i might be missing out on a crop for 2016. my biggest concern is the noise and like you said, the insulation. i was going to use that form stuff but i cant do that to the landlords shed hahaha. so i have very little options. any help is great dude thanks.
Man I made a box for a 6500 btu window unit in my 3x10 closet, its pretty simple. But if you stand on my porch you can here the ac and the 6" inline fan humming. Most people just think its something outside or 1 of the window ac units that are actually cooling the adjacent room. I figure when it gets cooler ill just kick in a fan to kinda hide the noise. Im luck. I hate my slum lord so ive punched 6" holes everywher I thought u would need 1. Turns out I only needed 1 lol. But if ya need ill atach pics of my ac box. I have a constant negative presure being sucked out of there with no intake. And a catch pan. Works great for me.
Just insulate and climate control heat/cool and your good to go on pretty much any outbuilding sounds easy lol. But I've been building a grow room that was supposed to take me a few months and I'm just now finishing it up after starting on it at the beginning of last years outdoor gardens lol But il finally get to start using it shortly after I chop my outs .......can't wait Good luck man hope you figure out a good way to control climate especially if your doing year around indoor .........peace. Happy growing
Just insulate and climate control heat/cool and your good to go on pretty much any outbuilding sounds easy lol. But I've been building a grow room that was supposed to take me a few months and I'm just now finishing it up after starting on it at the beginning of last years outdoor gardens lol But il finally get to start using it shortly after I chop my outs .......can't wait Good luck man hope you figure out a good way to control climate especially if your doing year around indoor .........peace. Happy growing
thanks dude, do you have any knowledge on insulation? and high signature control ?
do you think i could run a 200w and 400 w hps in a 10x12 with no exhaust? i have a pretty heavy fan.