Help With Plant /Leaf Issue


Well-Known Member
Yea I have 3 red widow and 3 black gold and I had nats like week ago so I hung them sticky traps then I still seen a few so I got this Garden Safe fungiside 3 and it says it kill fungus nats and fruit fly's with bunch of other stuff so i let dirt out and I sprayed it on the top layer lightly and now 2 days later my leaves good bad they are in Coco/organic soil and are like 2 weeks or 3 weeks from seed I did a light feed few days ago due to the leaves were lighter green but not sure what is wrong any info would be awesome thanks


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Yea I have 3 red widow and 3 black gold and I had nats like week ago so I hung them sticky traps then I still seen a few so I got this Garden Safe fungiside 3 and it says it kill fungus nats and fruit fly's with bunch of other stuff so i let dirt out and I sprayed it on the top layer lightly and now 2 days later my leaves good bad they are in Coco/organic soil and are like 2 weeks or 3 weeks from seed I did a light feed few days ago due to the leaves were lighter green but not sure what is wrong any info would be awesome thanks
Does the new growth look good? Is the yellowing and screwed up leaves just the bottom ones? Judging from the pics that looks to be the case.
The yellow leaves of a nitrogen deficiency may show signs of brown, and they will usually become soft and sort of "fold" in, before possibly turning crispy but ultimately falling off on their own. If the yellowing leaves are at the top of your plant or the yellow leaves are mostly new growth, then you probably don't have a nitrogen deficiency. Nitrogen deficiencies always affect the oldest, lowest leaves first. If new leaves aren't getting enough nitrogen, the plant will start to "steal" nitrogen from the older, lower leaves, so that it can give it to newer leaves. This is what causes the yellowing and wilting of a nitrogen deficiency.
It's relatively normal for your cannabis plant's leaves to start turning yellow towards the end of your flowering cycle as the plant becomes nitrogen deficient while creating buds.

However, if your cannabis plant is losing lower leaves fast due to yellowing (if yellowing and dying leaves is "climbing" up the plant from the bottom), especially in the vegetative stage before plant is making buds, you have a problem that you will need to fix as soon as possible. Got this info from grow weed easy check it out. Also have you checked for pests ? What are your temps, and humidity looking like ? Whats the size of the pot the sickly ones are in?
It's only the fan leaves that are messed up I need to figure it out so I can fix it before I transplant into bigger pots
The pots are small but plants aren't that big and I had plants root bound and never got like this they are the pots u can put water in the bottom not sure exact size tho maybe I'll switch to bigger pots but I know that's not whole issue
Yea I have 3 red widow and 3 black gold and I had nats like week ago so I hung them sticky traps then I still seen a few so I got this Garden Safe fungiside 3 and it says it kill fungus nats and fruit fly's with bunch of other stuff so i let dirt out and I sprayed it on the top layer lightly and now 2 days later my leaves good bad they are in Coco/organic soil and are like 2 weeks or 3 weeks from seed I did a light feed few days ago due to the leaves were lighter green but not sure what is wrong any info would be awesome thanks

Yea I have 3 red widow and 3 black gold and I had nats like week ago so I hung them sticky traps then I still seen a few so I got this Garden Safe fungiside 3 and it says it kill fungus nats and fruit fly's with bunch of other stuff so i let dirt out and I sprayed it on the top layer lightly and now 2 days later my leaves good bad they are in Coco/organic soil and are like 2 weeks or 3 weeks from seed I did a light feed few days ago due to the leaves were lighter green but not sure what is wrong any info would be awesome thanks
Calcium deficiency look it up
I always use cal mag, meta-k, microblast together immediately if I see anything off like this. Those 3 will solve 90%( slightly exagerated) of your deficiency issues.
Harryc where can I get meta-k or microblast I'm guessing a hydroponic store ?? I'm going to flush it with ph water with calmag and see if that helps also ima put in bigger pots thanks
Harryc where can I get meta-k or microblast I'm guessing a hydroponic store ?? I'm going to flush it with ph water with calmag and see if that helps also ima put in bigger pots thanks

Yes, any hydro store and most garden centers carry them.
Well I don't think I'm going to use Coco anymore I might go with ffof least I don't have too feed for first few weeks I need dirt I can use the hole grow and just add water but that's not going to happen.Does or would Cal mag go bad I have 2 diff brands and they don't seem to be working been using it a long time just not sure it's working like it should
Well I don't think I'm going to use Coco anymore I might go with ffof least I don't have too feed for first few weeks I need dirt I can use the hole grow and just add water but that's not going to happen.Does or would Cal mag go bad I have 2 diff brands and they don't seem to be working been using it a long time just not sure it's working like it should

Your not really going good to "see" some huge difference running cal mag. You just won't have a calcium or magnesium deficiency. If your plant is still have issues then its likely a deficiency of something else. That would be best addressed by microblast or another micronutrient supplement. Coco is similar to running hydro. You have to supplement everything a good soil should have.