help with plant newbie grower


Well-Known Member
for 5 weeks that is pretty weak. it COULD be a runt seed, it could be in too rich of soil (though after 5 weeks it would show a bit more than a few yellow spots if that were the case).

is it planted in direct sunlight? how much is it getting per day? type of soil used? pH of soil? average temps in the area? lots of factors to consider.


umm like a 2 gallon container but it had another plant in it but it died cause a bird ate it.... umm lemme go look at the soil... k its fox farm light warrior seed starter ph is 6.6 i beleive and the temp is around 70's during the day its in direct sunlight part of the day and the other part of the day its shaded...


Well-Known Member
dont ever put more than one plant in a container, thats most likely why it is so small. You might have root system problems pretty soon, the other plants dead roots tangled in with this plants roots is not a good thing, its a very bad thing in fact. I hope it all goes smoothly for you, but dont be surprised if it doesnt.

How much is "part of the day"? that doesnt really help us help you, we figured that already, lol, we need to know how much each day.


the dead plant is long gone... and i would say from 11am to around 4 so 5 hours of direct sunlight but the sun comes up around 7:30 and drops around 8:30


ya it was even a rootball lol it was like 3 lines of roots was all it had and i cant really put it in direct sunlight later in the day cause it gets SOOOOOO Windy and when i was moving it the wind knocked the plant over and held it there i had to splint it and help it grow back straight


Well-Known Member
that means you need to expose it to wind, up till now it must not of been getting enough airflow to strengthen the stems so they can actually hold up the plant. keep it loosely tied to the stake, just enough so that it can move a little bit with the wind, the stems will get stronger. you need to do this.


k i will steak and tie it loosely and leave it out in the wind hope i dont kill it... if i do ur shippin me some clones lol


k this is the shitty light i have for shitty weather days... will this work for a day or so to keep the plant going good? also dont mind the damn tinfoil my womans nephews did that to help lol so i left it up



no they came over one day and got into my box and they wanted to decorate it they thought it was for something way different lol


Well-Known Member
5 wks and that small outside makes no sense ive seen em get 4 ft outside in 5wks its stunted and crap genetics maybe id think just put it out and let it go and start a few new ones under that light for bout 2wks they'll be bigger than that one ,because if yer getn 13hrs light outside and its 5wks its gonna go flower soon and produce nothing really


well after 1 night of having that light my stem went from purple to green, so it must be kickin off. also the leaves started unfolding and another set starting to grow. So i think its gonna shoot up really quick in there, plus i dont have anything else to start lol


Well-Known Member
hots spots want be an issue with 1 65wcfl i dont think something white would be better but the foils better than nothing,if you keep it in there with the light on 18-24hrs a day you should be good i just wouldnt put it back outside though if yer getting 13 hr days it'll prolly start flowering since its 5wks old