ya ,you got a lock,my opinion when it comes to this plant we grow we go above and beyond,they are tuff.at times we push them and we pay,my suggestion and it works well for me ,i would get some humic fulvic and drench that bitch to you get half back or at least 30%,i have a maintence program i go by and once a month needed or not i do a humic fulvic root drench,the stuff cleans the roots and adjust your ph,if you do the root drench the next day those girls will be praying to the light.like i said we over think this stuff and my memory aint for shit,just about every problem you come across in these plants lead back to are mistakes and instead of putting a pinch of this and a pinch of that to get it back right,just do a root drench cures just about all ales,give it a try you might be surprised