Help with plant that I don't understand.....

So this happened to 3 other plants of mine, 2 before flower and one 2 weeks into flower!
The leaves droop and turn brown and this doesn't stop until it is completely like below (this is a different plant)


This is the plant on July 22:


Then on July 25 (just before Sulfur Spray, details below):


Then on 7/25 I spray "BONIDE PRODUCTS INC 142 Sulfur Plant Fungicide Organically Controls Rust, Leaf Spot and Powdery Mildew" ...... mix = 4 Tbs into 1.3 gallon sprayer, because I after much research determined that this was "Rust Fungi"

The following pictures are of the plant a few days after Foliar Spray on July 31 (sorry about the spots, they are due to my amateur spraying abilities and since then I have learned to shake off the plants and not leaves droplets behind):


It seems like it is coming back, please note that in the second picture about, ALL the plants that have experienced this have never come back to this level!


And now you can see Bud Sites are developing:



One last thing to add:
After spraying I kept reading and looking around and also came to a conclusion that it is possible that the plant could be rootbound and thus I transplanted it from a 10 gallon to a 15 gallon about 3 days later on 7/28 from spray day.

This is the bottom of the plant in a 10 gallon smart pot just before I transplanted it:


Soil = Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Days into flower = 22
Nutrients = Fox Farm
Avg Temps = 77-85 degrees



Well-Known Member
Did you have PM or leaf rust? You probably burned the shit out of your plants thinking you have to give it a ton of shit during flower. You don’t
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Well-Known Member
man, you growers and sprayin shit on your plants, ugg

A healthy clean envirnorment, you dont need any of that shit.

What PPMs did you last feed?

Your rust problem was lack of mag, and over watering.


Well-Known Member
What's not to understand? You fried your plants. Who told you to make that sulfur solution so strong? The directions say 1 - 3 tbs per gallon and that's for fruit treas and vegetables. And "Do not dust or spray with sulfur during periods of high temperature." 85 degrees is a high temperature. And you likely didn't have rust to begin with.


Well-Known Member
You cant spray with lights on. The sulfer didnt do this. It was the other products. Or a reaction from all the bs you sprayed. Kill that plant. Start over. But consecrate tye grow space first. Get some good genetics


Well-Known Member
This is what you new guys need to understand, the more shit you do or give to your plants does not equate to more yield or better quality. It’s actually the opposite. The less you do, the simpler the better your results. It’s like living in a log cabin, wood burning stove, bed, hunting rifle, fishing pole. Simple living, no complications.


Well-Known Member
yeap. Heck, even FoxFarm OF pretty much can grow a plant alone, with nothing. Some people are adding 500PPM to 1000 to it, lol..


Well-Known Member
yeap. Heck, even FoxFarm OF pretty much can grow a plant alone, with nothing. Some people are adding 500PPM to 1000 to it, lol..
Marijuana is not a 4H hog that you shove shit down it’s throat to get it fatter. Think of it as a bodybuilder. The bulk up and then cut carbs and increase protein for the competition.