help with seedling!


Well-Known Member
Has the seed cracked?? Have you soaked it in water or moist paper towels??

If the seed has been germinated and is showing a taproot..plant it 10mm deep with taproot pointing toward the bottom of pot, water the soil..put the pot somewhere warm and dark..Dont SOAK the soil or you could get mold issues..The most important thing is to not let the soil dry out.
It should sprout within a day or two, so you shouldnnt really need to water again until it pops its head outta the soil


Active Member
well i did both, no it wasnt cracked, it sprouted out about an inch and then i burried it and have nothin yet.


Well-Known Member
By 'cracked' i meant has the seed pod opened to reveal the seedling..
How deep did you bury it??
I planted some more seeds this morning, i'm not expecting to see anything poking thru the soil for a day or two....just make sure the soil isnt dry and you should expect to see the seed pod or cotyldon leaves poking out after 2-4 days

past times

Well-Known Member
are you germing in your soil? if you are keep them covered with a plastic sandwhich bag or something like that. it will hold in the moisture. if you want you can spray the top soil once a day (although not really that necessary unless you see it drying out). i do this and keep them in my veg room under cfls and usually get a seeding in 2 to 4 days with 100% germ rate


Active Member
Hey bds. From what I've learned here so far, you should not let the root get too long before you plant it. If it does, it may have problems establishing itself in the soil. 1 inch could have been too long? A couple of mine got too long last week and I'm not sure if they are gonna make it. Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
here what i do if i have that problem .. in 2 days u dont seem sometihng .. did GENTLY .. u shud see it ..the embroy leaves shud be there .. kind leave it half burried and half in the light .. itl'll grow.. well it shud .. or ur fuked! haha GL!