Help With Slow Plant Growth


Well-Known Member
Yea the place I go I get a big bag for 20$ that sux Amazon charges so much also I started my seeds in 1ltr pots not sure if that was to big but the ones I put in smaller pots are catching up to the bigger ones this Friday I might go get 2 bags


Active Member
They look better than mine, which are a few days behind yours. How often have you been watering?


Well-Known Member
Except that little stunted yellowish bastard in back those look great man, don't fret your right where you should be is just hard to feel em growing compared to the excitement of having em

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Watering every other day is too much! The pots should feel light as a feather when you pick them up.
If you want faster growth, superthrive or golden tree will give em a boost.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
I bet you burn your plants cfl plants grow an inch at least a day when I aint lookin
lol yeah I burnt em a bit here and there, just a flesh wound ;). I'd try to get em kinda to the side factoring some vertical growth in and I'd check constantly so it was only minor. Once all the stretching is done all was good. I run HID's now, so no more burning until harvest time:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yea I just gave them big bllom tiger bloom and cal mag a 1/2 TBS to a gallon and the one shot up already the yellowish plant is only a few days old not sure y that one turn yellow but it will be fine once it gets bigger it took a long time for it to come out the dirt its from Cali skunk its bag seed but fire


Well-Known Member
When I was watering them I wasn't watering them a hole lot either now that they are getting bigger I'll water every 3-4 days but up in my attic it get warm so dirt I got drys fast


Well-Known Member
I started a bubbas gift fem and 4 Afghani reg which my buddy gave me plus 8 loud bag seeds hope they all turn out ok