Help With Some Plants Pics Inside

What the hell is up with these babies. I feed them on 7/8/2011 useing Lucas 5/10 formula. these all started after I mist them with water. PH is around 6.

Feed 1/2 cup of plan tap water everyday. Feed them once a (Lucas formula) week since planted in MG and it has food already in it. The t5 where about 6" from the tops, the light has been moved to 12" above the tops.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Did you add anything to the water you misted your plants with? Did you misted them while the lights were on? You should mist your plants just before the lights go off, or when they are off. Sometimes the drops of water act like little magnifying glasses. I myself very rarely Mist my plants. To me it seems to cause more trouble then good. My crops probably only get misted 1-2 times.

Also, are you useing R/O water, tap water or what? And what kind of soil and how old are they. Pictures are great. But we need to know the conditions the plant are in. Different problems will look the same, that is when more information would help.

My guess is, you mare watering them to often and feeding them a little to much.
Nothing oin the water just plain tap water. the water comes out at around 320 ppm. Yes the lights where on when I misted them, they are on the 24 hour light cycle. I usewd miracle grow organics choice

I have only feed them once with the Lucas formula. 1 week ago.
I water everyday with 1/2 cup of water. I tested the run from the bottom and it came back at 1000 plus. I started flushing with distilled water today.


Well-Known Member
less often ...but soak it ...not just a cup or whatever

you might hear people say the more often you water the better it is ....thats true but really the more often IT DRIES OUT the better. you never wanna add water or nutes to a damp medium.
So instead of 1 cup and getting alittle run off I should try maybe 2 or 2 1/2 cups to complete drench and maybe water ever other day?


Well-Known Member
If you're watering them with 1 cup of water and you're getting run off, something is wrong with your pot, soil or how you're watering. Next time you water try feeding it slowly. When I first started watering my plants I would dump a few quarts in and instantly it would run off. Now I water them slowly, as in pour the water in a little at a time so that the soil has time to soak it all up. 1 cup of water should not give run off in a 1 gal container...

Edit: sorry, I'm not sure what is wrong with them looking the way they do.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I have said this many times. The most important thing a new grower should know is to not over love your plants. If you think it needs water wait a day or two. If you think they need their first feeding, wait a week or so. That soil has time released nutrients in it. This is why I never use a medium with nutrients already in it. I want total control. Anyway, I would wait until the plant shows signs of needing Nitrogen, then start the feeding. When this happens, the leafs will start turning a lighter green, and if left unchecked to long a yellow.
So I think you started feeding them to soon, and water them to often. Next time you water them give them a good heavy watering, then mark that day on the calendar. Do not water the plant until it just starts to wilt a little. If it took 5 days, then water then every 3 1/2 days. if it took 7 days, water them every 5 days. Most failures by new growers is from just loving their plants to death. Lay back on the nutrients, go slow.
And Yes, I hate Miracle Grow soils. I think they named it that because it is a miracle anything will grow in it. But i have know a few people that can grow the DANK in it. but most of them go about a months before they give them their first feeding. And only about 1/4 str for that one.

I would suggested you allow you plant to dry out until it just starts to wilt. so you can understand how long of time this is.

Good luck on your crop.
If you had to grow in soil what else would you recommend. Right now they are in 1 gallon pots and look like they will out grow them here in the next week or 2.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I do not use Soil myself. I use Coco Coire. I use Coco because it is about impossible to over water. And easier to control the conditions within the medium. At least for me.
With soil, I usually only watered every 5-7 days. But i live in a humid place. Just because one person has to water every 3 days does not mean you might no-t have to water every 9 days. When you over water your plant, you cause a lot of problems, and they can take a good amount of time to correct. BUT!! If you under water them, they will only wilt a little and is quick to fix. When plants start to wilt, it will only take a few hours for them to perk back up. But if you over water your plants it could take weeks to correct.