Help with Subcool Soil Variation


Great point Laxfiz. Seems like a great opportunity to weigh as measurements are taken to verify the calculations.

Aluminum certainly could be a issue as well as calcium in the current mix.

Based on his ratio's, there is a bunch more Azomite, Aluminum would lock out Phosphorous and other minerals.

Based on his ratio's, there is a bunch more lime and then oyster shell in my soil mix, both which are rich in calcium. Too much calcium then locks out magnesium and potassium.

I was really surprised his mix did not contain any Potassium? Wouldn't the plant need Potassium?

SirLancelot, what amounts are you adding just for reference for us all?


Active Member
My soil mix is a lil different than SS, I tweaked to my own liking but here's my ratio.

4 LG bags organic soil (6cu.ft)
15lbs EWC
2.5lbs Bloodmeal
2.5lbs Seabird Guano
2.5lbs bone meal
1/2cup epsom salt
1/2cup lime
1 cup greensand
1cup rock phosphate
8oz myco maximum
1/4cup Azomite
2.5lbs rich earth humic
2.5lbs Kelp meal


Nice mix, thanks for sharing.
Was that suppose to be 1/4 cup of Azomite or 14 cups as written?

Also, do you just transplant right into the mix or do you layer it with base like SS suggests doing?


New Member
ive noticed some stress a few times on the plants that i do a direct transplant with. I think they get shocked from the big increase in nutes. probably just gonna follow subs advice from now on, and let the roots grow down, into the super soil. I randomly change my method here to there to see what works (retarded me, sometimes...)


I went ahead and confirmed via weight the measurements here is the revised amounts...This is for 20 Gallons

1 cup 11 tbs Blood Meal
1 cup 10 TBS Guano
1 Cup 2 TBS Bone Meal

Thanks again Laxfiz for the heads up!