Help with these new spots on leaves


Well-Known Member
Plants don't go from fine to this is 10 hours. You missed the signs on your earlier checks, you need to look at your plants closer. It looks like your a little over on the food but without knowing anything about your garden that's all I can say.


Active Member
Plants don't go from fine to this is 10 hours. You missed the signs on your earlier checks, you need to look at your plants closer. It looks like your a little over on the food but without knowing anything about your garden that's all I can say.
I fed them last night with fox farm trio PH was 6.3 and looked great In the morning then I came home and these spots came out of no where. I am sure I missed something but they came on fast


Active Member
Plants don't go from fine to this is 10 hours. You missed the signs on your earlier checks, you need to look at your plants closer. It looks like your a little over on the food but without knowing anything about your garden that's all I can say.
I think you are correct


Active Member
Overfed and overwatered. What medium? What stage of growth? Light type and distance from canopy? Stuff like that so you get more than guesses.
Over Fed i think . 3 weeks into flowering 500 watt led and 8 100 watt cfls regular organic medium fox farm trio for nutes, This is a unknown strain. The Afghan kush it shares a room with the same supplements looks amazing . This plant is very sensitive


Active Member
Definitely nutrient burn them leaves I showed in yesterday pictures are potato chips at the moment. Trimed then should I flush the plant. ?


Well-Known Member
I am not a fan of flushing. you end up fcking things up more. You go from one extreme to another extreme. If you feed the plants correctly and make sure that you get about 30% run-off you should be fine.


Active Member
I am not a fan of flushing. you end up fcking things up more. You go from one extreme to another extreme. If you feed the plants correctly and make sure that you get about 30% run-off you should be fine.
I definitely made a mistake with the nutes . So do you think I just feed with regular PHed water the next few times


Well-Known Member
I agree just back the nutes off. I have learned that plants can come back quickly from most things so long as you correct the problem gradually.

Flushing them imo isn't a good idea, they will respond a lot better having their nutrients slowly reduced over the next few feedings.

Giving them just water or flushing them with just water just brings you from one extreme (too many nutrients) to another (too few). Less stress to just slowly reduce nutrients over next few feedings.