Help with thinning...???????

The Beast

First off i'd like to thank everyone that helped with my previous posts about taking care of my cuttings.. as they are now blooming beautiful....
Just now need a bit more help regarding thinning my babies out now..!!
When is the best time to do it ??? as i've read a couple of different views.... some say after four weeks vegging some say six...?? At the minute they are on 24 - 7 light cycle and are just starting their third week.....

Any help is much appreciated ....!!!


Well-Known Member
I've never heard there was an ideal time so I say the sooner the better if they're getting to thick.
A general rule of thumb for pruning ANY plant is never take off more than 1/3 of the total foliage.


Well-Known Member
when air flow is inhibited through the plant and a branch is heavily shaded by the one above it.


Weed Modifier
First off i'd like to thank everyone that helped with my previous posts about taking care of my cuttings.. as they are now blooming beautiful....
Just now need a bit more help regarding thinning my babies out now..!!
When is the best time to do it ??? as i've read a couple of different views.... some say after four weeks vegging some say six...?? At the minute they are on 24 - 7 light cycle and are just starting their third week.....

Any help is much appreciated ....!!!
Do you have a pic so we can see what you mean by might need pruning....usually hydro guys need to do this when there garden is getting crowded....are you in soil?


he's right. just get the leaves that are not really being hit by light. lower at the bottom. don't take too much off at once. your plant uses energy to heal which can take away the energy it uses to produce the buds. make sure that u have a good air flow through the bottom of the plant as well. helps to make the stem stronger and thicker. it will also help with any type of stem rot that may occur if there is too much moisture. good luck man

The Beast

Thanks for the help guys... yeah am growing in soil... will try and take some pictures... but i'm not sure how to put them on here..????


Weed Modifier
go advanced post
click on the paper clip thingy
upload pic from comp insert inline
that should do it!


Weed Modifier
those are some nice plants bro....I like how nice and green they are.....They look bushy too! are they just one per pot?

you could do some pruning but i do not think you need to unless you want to just to see? But they look great! More than ok bro!!!


Weed Modifier
I think they will do better than alright man! excellent work man... i will be pulling up a chair to see how these bitch turn out!!! i'm sub'd