help with transfering to dwc


Well-Known Member
Question when I am Put the plant in net pot do I pull roots threw . kinda lost on that how will roots get water do I put the whole net pot under or something ?


NO, do not tease the roots. they will drop naturally. the roots will "seek" food,

i use a top feed.

Im new, but ive read ALL the theory on DWC (im not a hydro pro, im far from it, i post when im 100$ sure), putting it in practice is another story.

i know this because i just transplanted a baby into my DWC system and the roots have already dropped, only been 3 days. they will find it.

also you have a air pump right., when those bubbles pop on the surface it relases a tiny amount of moiture, pop the lid on your res, you can feel the humidity in there.

this is simple science, water + heat = evaporation, evaporation in an enclosed area = humidty, humidity is simply moisture. thus this is how your plant gets food. i would HIGHLY recommend a drip feeder, just a water pump in the res, i feed around 4l/h while the lights on.

Do not ever turn off the air pump.

Ive just learned all this shit in one of my threads, and please be careful, there are people who obviously just wanna fuck your plant through terrible advice.

again im not pro and PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK WHAT IVE WRITTEN BEFORE PRACTICING IT, god i wouldnt wanna hurt anyones plants, id feel terrible.


I use hydroton and rockwool, dump em in there, manually top feed em for a few days and thats it.

maybe bad advice, i dont know but its worked for me so far


Well-Known Member
Its going to be micro dwc haven't started yet using 50 gal containers kinda long And a lot of net lots I am going to hook the 4 containers up 2 in front 2 in back res in front of them Sog there going to be single cola plantS around 80 I would say just experimenting .. Trying to find a strain that is short single cola good yeild taste and short flower time no auto flower


Its going to be micro dwc haven't started yet using 50 gal containers kinda long And a lot of net lots I am going to hook the 4 containers up 2 in front 2 in back res in front of them Sog there going to be single cola plantS around 80 I would say just experimenting .. Trying to find a strain that is short single cola good yeild taste and short flower time no auto flower
sounds good man, did you say 80 plants? how large are these rez's thats a shite load of plants lol


no, he only mentions 4 pots... remeber the roots balls tangle, isolate each plant, for maintentance, and PREVENTION. shit spreads fast in DWC. guessing he means 8? 2 in each pot?


Well-Known Member
I wonna do 20 in each pot its like 4 Feet long 2 feet wide I figured I do a bunch of small plants instead of really big Ones


Active Member
I wonna do 20 in each pot its like 4 Feet long 2 feet wide I figured I do a bunch of small plants instead of really big Ones
And you will a nightmare with that many plants roots in one container. 50 gallons is enough for maybe 6-7 plants. They eat the nutrients up pretty damn fast out of the res. You will be changing your water every 3-4 days with that many plants in a tub, and if you ever get a disease in the res. EVERY plant will get it. I have 3-4 pots in a 26 gallon res.


Active Member
I love these dreams and schemes.
I know its nice to dream big, but this is pushing it by a bit to say the least. To the op. Lower your plants to 6-8 per res. You will still have 24-32 plants. Thats still a shit ton, especially for a new grower to hydro. Start small, think big. Try experimenting with this first grow. Lst, topping, that type of shit. You dont want to put that many plants together. You will thanks us later.


Well-Known Member
I figured a bunch of small plants My bee like 1-2 week veg then straight to 12/12 if I can get 20 grams a plant 80x 20 3000 grams mybee I am dreaming you need to see how loNg this container is its kinda funny i dont mind doing res twice a week but i just want 3000 grams in an average size bed room with a walk in closet figured dwc should make plants yield more and if i keep Them pretty small with the dwc i am hoping for 20 grams per plant what you think ?


Active Member
I figured a bunch of small plants My bee like 1-2 week veg then straight to 12/12 if I can get 20 grams a plant 80x 20 3000 grams mybee I am dreaming you need to see how loNg this container is its kinda funny i dont mind doing res twice a week but i just want 3000 grams in an average size bed room with a walk in closet figured dwc should make plants yield more and if i keep Them pretty small with the dwc i am hoping for 20 grams per plant what you think ?

You dont need 80+ plants to get 6 pounds. But dont ever plan on what to get for a harvest. Its impossible to know how much you yield. And its not about changing the res thats your problem. You have 20 plants in a tub. I dont care if its 100 gallons. You cant control how much your roots grow. They will grow as they please. And they will severely intermingle with the other plants. Even if they are 2 feet tall, or 5 feet tall. If one gets root rot, have fun, cause they all have it. Its your first hydro grow. You will hate to have to change the Nutes 2+ times a week with that many plants. The cost alone is ridiculous over a 3 month period. 50 bucks a week for 10 weeks. Thats at least 500 bucks just in nutes, at least. Dont take on more than you can chew. You still havent told me what your lighting plans are?


dude, i just started growing. its nice to see you planning, but your seting yourself up for disapppointment, what your doing is ambitious, to say it politley.

what i wanna say is, what a stupid idea. you obviously havent considered all the problems you will have. i read online for 6 months, set everything up by the maths (not opinions or ideas), cross refernced the maths onto 2 different forums for feedback to ensure my information was accurate and true.

i have 1 plant in a 35L res (50L MAX) and i know its roots will fill most of that out, dont grow like spastic, i wanna get 1 gram each from 80 plants....

i wanna get 1 gram each from 80 plants.... dude cmon. how old are you.

do it properly, the plant will be stronger, less susceptible to issues because its "immune system" is stronger, go read the average yield of a properly grown 2foot tall plant... its huge.

from now on im guessing, 10 properly grown plants will out-yield 80 half assed ones, in quality and quantity, and maybe require less overall light?

ive only just started, stop dreaming.... grow 1 plant, then maybe 3, then 5. learn the plant, its like a woman, it reacts to everything you do.


Well-Known Member
I have 4 air cooled 1000s hps and a Some t5s i really wonna do dwc instead of drip system but i am thinking something else 5 gal buckets i want a recirculating System hooked up to res with a floater then hooked up into my R.O filter with a chiller also it tends to get cold in here in Cali but I figured those 1000s prob heat up water


Well-Known Member
so i still have a question .... ok i have the plant in rockwell i put some clay pellets on bottom them put plant down in netpot then fill the rest with clay pellets so your saying roots will just find the water .. ? or would drip feed be the best option intill roots find water ?