help with UA (Urinal Analysis)


Well-Known Member
That's one way to artificially inflate your post count, should be in the thousands by the end of the month, unless of course you're banned for insulting other members or not being 18!:roll:


Well-Known Member
I'm a fat bastard and I have never failed a test. I have smoked on friday and have a random test the next monday. This has happened to me twice. I have never done anything more than drink water. Drink alot of it. The day of the test make sure you drink about a gallon. Make sure you piss a couple of times. You want your piss to look like water, you don't want any yellowish tint. I'm only speaking from my personal experiences. It's ALWAYS worked for me. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Just my .02- I smoke up every night for the last 15 years or so like lots of us. Where the hell am I has it right thc is stored in your fat cells and if your heavy, it'll stay longer. I am skinny w/fast metabolism and had to piss test for work after hurting my back. I had about 4 hours warning. I downed water like there wasnt going to be any left. Like 3 gal. and pissed every 10 min untill urine was clear. Needless to say I passed. Apperently your body acts like a water heater and the more water you pass the less thc % is detected. So pound water=piss clean.


Well-Known Member
Just my .02- I smoke up every night for the last 15 years or so like lots of us. Where the hell am I has it right thc is stored in your fat cells and if your heavy, it'll stay longer. I am skinny w/fast metabolism and had to piss test for work after hurting my back. I had about 4 hours warning. I downed water like there wasnt going to be any left. Like 3 gal. and pissed every 10 min untill urine was clear. Needless to say I passed. Apperently your body acts like a water heater and the more water you pass the less thc % is detected. So pound water=piss clean.


Well-Known Member
I just got out of the Army, and not to be a dick, but if you don't have the discipline to quit long enough to get clean, the military might not be the answer for you. Understand, that for however long you have signed up for, you will have to be clean. I had plenty of guys who smoked in the army and most of them got caught. I think the rule is if you piss hot at mepps for weed you have to wait 30 days. if you piss hot for cocaine it's a year. Your best bet is to tell your recruiter you smoked on new years and he will test you before he takes you down there. Believe me he doesn't want to lose you. If you piss hot for the test he gives you he will figure out a way to delay your entry. DO NOT FAKE AN INJURY!! Honesty is going to be your best friend in the military. The recruiters are good at finding angles and doing what it takes to get your ass to basic training.


Well-Known Member
i just got out of the marines and mimmen is 100% right you cant do drugs in the military and get away with it. if you drink soo much damn water your piss is clear they dont tell you its diluted and make you retake it because they want you really hydrated. If you go 2 weeks clean and run everyday till your sweatin like a pig and hammer water, beer, juice any fluids youll be fine, i was like a week clean when i went to meps but i was a skinny bastard. Good luck and have fun youll have some of the best times of your life in the military just dont be stupid and smoke while your in.

oh and be straight up with your recruiter it hurts him if you pop, im goin in the national guard soon and i told him i smoked on new years so he pushed my enlistment back


Active Member
there are products that will help you pass a piss test. My best friend took this stuff a few hours before a piss test and he passed( he smoked a few days before) I dont remember the name of the stuff but just do some google searching.


Well-Known Member
Too much water will kill you..


+rep i was going to say this before but your exactly right, you do not ever need to drink more than a gallon of water and that may even be too much! you can drown yourself from drinking too much water.

A women died from drinking too much water so be careful its not a joke, dont listen to the guy that says drink 3 gallons of water 2.6 gallons of water can kill you!

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
just man up and take the damn test. if u havent smoked within a month then you're guarenteed to pass but if you smoked then you must not care to pass it.


Well-Known Member
yeah my boss is a heavy smoker, he had a smoke 2 hours b4 a drug test drank a shit load of water and passed no problem. If u havent smoked in a month then what the fuck are u worried about!¿!¿


Well-Known Member
Theres no need to drink that much water, ever period. the pills that i take only require you to drink 3 16 oz glasses of water no where near 3 gallons.

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
Theres no need to drink that much water, ever period. the pills that i take only require you to drink 3 16 oz glasses of water no where near 3 gallons.
all you gotta do is get a whizzinator. its a fake dick with a plastic bag attached. you can get it in different colors depending if you're white, black, asian or whatever. anyways you get dehydrated piss and mix with water then fill the bag. and put it all in your pants in between your legs. when you're ready to take your test it's warm and everything.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
That much water will kill you! A close friend of mine lost his son to a frat thing @ Chico State from pounding too much water in short of a time. Didn't even trip on that one post!


Well-Known Member
all you gotta do is get a whizzinator. its a fake dick with a plastic bag attached. you can get it in different colors depending if you're white, black, asian or whatever. anyways you get dehydrated piss and mix with water then fill the bag. and put it all in your pants in between your legs. when you're ready to take your test it's warm and everything.

Not when they pull your PANTS down at boot camp and watch you piss, thats not gonna do shit for you! They are gonna see this wierd thing that you have strapped to your pelvis, then what, GUILTY as charged without even failing a drug test, good advice! NOT!

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
Not when they pull your PANTS down at boot camp and watch you piss, thats not gonna do shit for you! They are gonna see this wierd thing that you have strapped to your pelvis, then what, GUILTY as charged without even failing a drug test, good advice! NOT!
haha good point. they gonna think you some wierd fuck with a strap-on. its good for jobs and p.o.'s though.