help with watering the plants :)


hey how do i water them there 2 weeks old i wanna start using nutrients

how do i do it i got flora bloom flora grow flora micro

im in veg

how do i mix it for veg?


Well-Known Member
Check the labels, Do a weak strength to start with. How do your plants look now do u have any pics


it doesnt say nothing and the 16 i got are 2 weeks old there 4 leafs and the other ones are 4 weeks in hydro the other 16 are in dirt 2 weeks old and i got 1 in soil that is like 2 months old there all 1000watt 24/7

uhm and this is what label says
3tsp of flora gro
2 tsp of flora micro
1 tsp of flora bloom

do i gotta mix that all then add how much water or no water or what?


Well-Known Member
You need to add water I'm sure that per gallon. I'm not familar with the brand I use canna products in soil, n fox farm in dwc. Trying looking up a schedule on google.


Well-Known Member
Are these nutes for your soil or hydro setup or both? Sorry I'm high n it's like 230am here..


Active Member
If your plants that are in soil are only 2 weeks old then they dont need any fertz just yet .
Need abit more info , like soil type .
Most soils carry enough nutes so as you wont need to feed them for 4-5 weeks and the seed also has enough feed in it to see it through a few weeks so if i were you then i would just give water .
If you start nutes now there is the possability that you will burn your plants .
Remember cannabis plants are weeds that grow without any nutrients , And people that grow weed add nutes to get the best out of the plants to enhance potency and yield , so the nutes come in to play round about week 6-7 veg time for me . As for your measurements of feed , i would say its per gallon as on the bottle it says 3tsp , and if you were to be doing your measurements in ltrs it would say 3ml .
Were are you from ??? In England we use ml to ltrs and across the pond they use gallons


Active Member
you dont want to start giving nutes just yet . When you do water just get a spray bottle and just moisten the soil .
hey how do i water them there 2 weeks old i wanna start using nutrients

how do i do it i got flora bloom flora grow flora micro

im in veg

how do i mix it for veg?


What about in flower any one got any recipes that would work good in soil using the gh flora nutes....Or shit even pics using them in flower in soil.......