help with white rhio, middle and lower fan leaves pale green and yellowing


Well-Known Member

greetings beloved ROLLITUP community,

its been 4 weeks into flowering and my rhinos are having wierd light green fan leaves from middle of the plant down to the bottom. the bottom leaves are yellow and they all seem to curl under. the middle of the leaves that are pale green began to have spots of yellow while the yellow leaves are turning brown and shrivling up. top of the plant is curling downwards. stems are red on all those leaves

i am currently using 3 1000W HPS and running 12 rubber maid container DWC with 8 sites each.
i am using lucas formula, my PPM is 1440 with calmag and lucas, i also use some mollasses
PH is 5.6-5.9
Temperature is 70-82 (when lights on)
humidity 55%
reservoir temperature fluctuates from 65-76
i got CO2 grow bags in there around constant 700ppm CO2 and 1300PPM when vent fan off
RO water at 23PPM
and using H202 for my reservoir. 30 ML/10 GAL using 29% H202
Growing in Rockwool, with hydroton
lights are 2 ft above my plants and they are carbon filtered and cooled and vented to the attic of my neighbors (his some old dude that doesnt mind the smell and the HOT heat apparantly)

i thought it was nitrogen def... so i foilar sprayed em with floralicious plus mixed with diamond nectar so around 2-1-1... that didnt work so i sprayed Cal Mag... that didnt work either.

i think i have retarded clones... my laughing buddahs SOG looks great, i mean they are already black mamba sized and really green and they are on the same nutrient schedule

my belladonnas, cali mists and virtually all other strains look great except for the rhinos..

I think this is god's wrath on me for mistreating my plants.


Well-Known Member
that picture is from week 3... i have had this problem for a while now its getting worse


Well-Known Member
if anyone helps me with this and lives in michigan i will smoke you out with some tangerine dream and +rep for ANY reply ;)


Well-Known Member
and how many times did you foliar feed with nitrogen, just one feeding isn't gonna do much... 80% of time when there is yellowing at this stage it's a lack of nitrogen... People just don't wanna listen that the plant STILL gobbles tons of N during flowering ESPECIALLY now ( i blame food companies for this MYTH)


Well-Known Member
does the leaves curl downwards with N deficiency? i thought the lucas formula was not suppose to have any problems hahahaha... maybe its a strain specific issue. i will update with picture with light off tomorrow since they are sleeping like a pig right now... 12 hours pssshhht


Well-Known Member
Just think about this logically, when your plants are budding they are producing buds right? and around those buds are tons of tiny little leaves, so if you cut the N down at the beginning of flowering then how is the plant gonna fuel the making of these leaves? they are gonna suck the nitrogen outta the leaves that have it stored in. N is mobile and it really cant say that it is def gonna start at the bottom.. Also I have never seen anyone give any real info on WHERE A N DEF WOULD START DURING FLOWERING.. When they talk about N def's it's always talking about the veg state


Well-Known Member
another common mistake is underfeeding. People are soooo scared of burning their plants that they always end up underfeeding them and running into defs


Well-Known Member
i see, it makes alot of sense master grower max. N is mobile i so it travels up to the buds... so to solve this deficiency should i give them more nitrogen or foilar feed them with more N? my nute ratio right now is 40-80-72 per gallon of water.


Well-Known Member
DUDE i am high off my balls, this is why i love growing weed even though i might end up dropping the soap in prison


Well-Known Member
me too.. hehe just keep your mouth shut and watch who you tell then you'll be alright.. only tell people you completely trust with your life and freedom


Well-Known Member
well, after giving them more nitrogen, the leaves turned more yellow and half of them fell off today ( i actually plucked it off, since it was yellow with necrotic spots on the leaves. some of the green leaves have yellow on the tips and are developing necrotic spots as well.... idk what the fuck is going on... :( i flushed them today with 5.5 water and i see no change...


Well-Known Member

the white rhino is light green, on its leafs. i am using Lucas forumla with 1330ppm base + with calmag + mollasses = 1470ppm


purple stems, leaves looking funny.. this sucks! i cant find a solution and i have been dealing with this bs for over a month now :(. they are 4 weeks into flowering, it must be a mobile deficiency or i am just adding too much shit into the reservoir causing them to burn up? they are in 10 gallon rubber maid containers and i am running RO water.


the older ones look like shit too... but i already gave up on them


Well-Known Member
I would check your ph and make sure it's on track, giving them more N shouldn't have done that unless you have a lockup in your medium


Active Member
Mag. def. like to show during 3-4 week of flowering so I would add somthing like magi-cal or cg/mg or and thing that has magnesium. I cant be certain but its worth a shot. youve been pumping nitrogen into them and they arent geting better.