Help with Yellowing Problems Please!


Active Member
I have posted on here a few times and most of the people here are very helpful, maybe someone can help with some new questions. I have three plants, and I will post a picture of all three. One of them has this weird double leaf thing growing out the top, and im wondering if this will affect anything in the future (you'll know what im talking about when you look at the pic) One of them has stayed very small and is slightly yellowing and is very droopy. This one is much smaller than the rest but its also in a smaller pot than the others. The third pic has 2 or 3 leaves that are yellow/brown and im wondering what I should do about it? It looks almost like there are little holes in the really brown parts of the leaves. If anyone can help me with these problems it would be much appreciated, and as always ++Rep:leaf:


Active Member
I hav'nt fed it anything really but straight tap water. Theyre all in a soil mix of 50% top soil 25% peat moss and 25% perlite, and thanks for the response!


honestly, they look a little dry. Keep giving them just water. If you can pick up a pH test kit, I would. Just to make sure your not giving them water thats at like 8.5 or 5 or something. It can be a silent killer.


Well-Known Member
hi garrett, My big bang seedling has the exact same double leaf thing going on too lol, I don't know why! when it popped out of the shell it had 1 cotyledon and one double leaf and the next set of leaves another one grew like this! i wouldn't worry(im not). Also the second and third pic, my WW seedling is doing that too, did your problem start at the bottom of the plant and is working its way up?,i'm really worried! how old is that plant?? is your soil pre-fertilised??? if so what type?? i put a post up in the plant problems page and as of yet ive not had the answer! if anyone helps me figure it out i'll forward it on to you. Peace CG


Active Member
Thanks for the replies! Food Cooker- what should my Ph be at/around? My girl works at petsmart so I am going to have her get me something to test the Ph of the water.

Closetgardner- The double leaf thing is kinda cool lol i had never seen it before. and yes the yellowing started on a low leaf ( i thought maybe it just was not getting enough light because of the leaves above) but now it has begun to "attach" more leaves. There are at maybe 2 1/2- 3 weeeks from seed. Im worried about mine too...because I only have 4, losing 1 is a big loss. And as for the soild it was just like a cheap 1.99 bag of topsoil mixed with 25%peat moss and 25%perlite... The first and third pic are of THC Bomb and the 2nd is a random free seed from buying the thc bomb... And yeah if you find the answer or any suggestions let me know, It would be much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
i too thot it was because of a light shortage i veg them under 250w cfl. mine are 29 days from seed. I only have 2 white widow, so losing one would be really crap for me!!!! the other one i have is doing great in the same conditions so is my big bang. Your PH should be at 6.5 or as close as u can get


Active Member
Yeah, i thought it would be bad for me losing one! Mine are veg under 400w metal halide on a 24/7. And thats the weird thing about mine those two are going yellow but my other two are doing great! Also I give them like half a large cup of water once a day, think i should be giving them more/less? should i get a spray bottle and spray the leaves? Im at a point where im willing to try about anything lol.


Well-Known Member
haha me too!!! im spraying my leafs with PH'd 6.5 bottled water. started today to see if it helps!. do they need watered every day? i let them completely dry out in between waterings. How are you testing if they are dry? or do you just water every day without checking?. With your 400w MH there's no way there short on light then!!! lol


Active Member
Im just kinda watering everyday. usally when i water the top of the soil is can i check to make sure they need watering? Could my problems be due to too much water you think? and how do you check Ph? Is all I need just some litmus strips?


Well-Known Member
just stick your finger into the soil about an inch,if its dry then water if its moist leave it until the next day. thats how i test,l i can also tel by the weight of the pot when its dry. It could be the source of your problem. your better to get the ph solution test kit from amazon their only like 10 bucks. And you'll need some ph up and down solution too. Or even better if you can afford it get a digital ph tester


Active Member
Allright thanks bro! i think ill invest in the digital one and some of that Ph up/down...Ill let you know how this helps!!!


Well-Known Member
Try not using tap water unless you let it sit open in a container for 24 hours,it's bad enough tap water is 7.0 and up but it has other harmful chemicals.
Try using purified water for plain watering and spring or pure water with nutes.If you can't afford to keep buying store bought water then just ph your water
and the best way to check if you need to water besides the soil being crusty is to check the weight of the pot,the finger trick only works with certain soils
mostly organic,cause you can stick it in a inch and feel moisture and come back a few hours later to a dry pot and wilted plants.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, so im going to have to wait a few days for my Ph +/- and my tester to get here...are you saying that if I take tap water and let it sit for 24 hrs it will be okay? also i do have some reg publix spring water would that be better than straight tap? Currently in literally filling up a cup and walking straight down to water lol....This is my first real grow (excluding my last outdoor that I had for like 3 months but didnt know how to sex was male) so im still figuring things out


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, so im going to have to wait a few days for my Ph +/- and my tester to get here...are you saying that if I take tap water and let it sit for 24 hrs it will be okay? also i do have some reg publix spring water would that be better than straight tap? Currently in literally filling up a cup and walking straight down to water lol....This is my first real grow (excluding my last outdoor that I had for like 3 months but didnt know how to sex was male) so im still figuring things out
Yes let the tap water sit to get the harmful chemicals out and yes you can use that spring water,i never used it but it could be 5.5 or 7.0(neutral)
either way just flush your plant(s) with it and the ph problem will clear up,and don't worry if the Ph of the water is 7.0(neutral) cause your soil will buffer it
to a range of 6.5-6.8. The best water you can possibly use is lake water since it usually has a perfect ph of 6.5 for soil.Just run the spring water through the soil until it runs off and your problem should clear up.Btw those damaged leaves will stay that way so just keep the ph right and those old leaves will be a thing of the past.


Active Member
What do you mean by "Just run the spring water through the soil until it runs off" like I should pour in spring water until it comes out the bottom holes or should I just begin using the spring in place of the tap?


Active Member
listen. anytime i have a yellowing prob, or most of he time, i should say, i think back. one thing i would do is to water then till it runs out the bottoms! while some yellowing can acturlly be caused by over watering, your soil sounds sound. so. melt a tbls of empsom salts, into a warm glass of water. after its all melted, add to your gallon of water. and water well. with out MG, your plants cannot use ANY of the nutes they need! and if this is not the "causes", no harm done! i ph my water, as well. water from the tap, can allways change, too., make no mistake! usually not by too much, but it does. my ppm on my tap is usually about 130. ph, about 7.2. use baking soda, to reduce the number, or vinegar to raise it. cheap. and calibrate your machine, every so often, the calibration solution, can be used several times...