help won't clone..


Well-Known Member
i have this plant grown up from seed that i got of a good friend of mine.. i've growin it up and it's a female.. i've made it my mother plant but it's about 2ft tall and it doesn't seem to want to clone for me.. i've tried the easiest thing so far.. water cloning where you just leave it in the water.. it still doesn't show any roots.. it's still green with a couple yellow leaves after 2 weeks in water but no roots yet.. can anyone offer me some help on what to do.. i need to get my clones going soon for my outdoor


Well-Known Member
i use half of a asprin and use peat pellets works for me i also used destilled water sometimes


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone i have all the things i need and by no means this is not my first time cloneing i have grown for 2-3 years so far and cloned multiple times(sorry i forgot to mention) but this particular plant doens't want to root for some reason.. i'll just have to use some of my rooting powder and some moist soil... then keep some in some water with an air stone... and then build a little bubble cloner and try a few in that.. that way whatever one works i'll use to make the reast...

is there anything i can give my plant it make it clone better.. (organic)???


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone i have all the things i need and by no means this is not my first time cloneing i have grown for 2-3 years so far and cloned multiple times(sorry i forgot to mention) but this particular plant doens't want to root for some reason.. i'll just have to use some of my rooting powder and some moist soil... then keep some in some water with an air stone... and then build a little bubble cloner and try a few in that.. that way whatever one works i'll use to make the reast...

is there anything i can give my plant it make it clone better.. (organic if posable)???