Help worried about mold


I'm in southern oregon it's raining right now, and we've had frost the last couple nights, I've been covering with plastic at night , the plastic is supported by a wire cage I built because of deer etc..., The plants soaking wet, will continuing to cover at night cause mold? Bad weathers Supposed to cont. couple more days then back to mid 70's day, and 40's at night.


Well-Known Member
If they are soaking wet then what are you accomplishing by covering them with plastic?


Well-Known Member
covering the plants w plastic will lock in the moisture. if they are outside there isnt much you can do i think


Active Member
Mid 40's is not bad - been like that around here for some time, even high 30's. No ill effects. They can even take a light frost or two. As far as the rain, and all around moist humid weather, this is a problem. Just rained 1.5 inches here over past 48 hours. I go out this morning - boom patch of mold on cola. It turned out not being too bad - I chopped the infected cola, removed what turned out to be a dime sized spot and hung to dry. Mold is easy to spot and not too bad to just cut out. last year I did it before chopping and let plant go two more weeks and there was no evidence of any spreading. The important thing is that they get air and sun after a day or two of rain, and unfortunately we can't control this in the great outdoors. Keep a close eye on them.