Help yellowing leaves edges turn brown then falls off while it turns yellow


Active Member
bump 4 half weeks into flowering lots of leaves continued to turn yellow and fall some just turn light green and fall or turn to a crisp then fall but i guess all i can do is hope its because of flowering any help would be appreciated heres pics of bottom leaves crisp and top colas




Active Member
5 weeks into flowering help lots of yellow goin on in the bottom portion and mid starting to get close to the top leaves fading yellow then fallin off bump need seriouse help



Active Member
Listen to Twistedfunk. If you have fed with blooming nutrients since the flush, leave it alone for the rest of the flowering period. Some yellowing of the older lower leaves is normal at flowering because most of the blooming ferts have reduced levels of nitrogen.
The pre-charged nutrients only work for a couple of months, depending upon how heavy you water. After all this leaching you have exhausted the charge in the soil media and your plants are getting their nitrogen from these older leaves. Don't start pouring chemicals into your soil if you don't have an accurate diagnosis of the problem. You are near the end of the flowering and don't want all that fertilizer in the soil at the end of the cycle.
I would just water normally until the leaflets in the flowers turn lighter green and then only use a 1/4 rate if needed. Your plants are doing ok, just be patient. All of these additives with fancy names don't necessarily grow good plants, sharp observation and close monitoring of signs and symptoms are the recipe for success. Next time don't use the MG soil and this will be a lot easier. You can find good instructions for soil mixes like "vics soil mix" and organic mixes it these forums or buy higher quality soils for the next grow.
Lots of people use Fox Farms or Sunshine #4 with good results.


Well-Known Member
There are slow release ferts in your MG soil; IMO, you've fucked yourself and not in a good way.

Why would you go all out with the 1000W HPS if you're going to skimp out on the soil?


Well-Known Member
you cant flush slow release. and mg sucks for what we grow. toxic sources they use. lawn ferts will kill you animals even. those are for tomatoes. nothing like pots needs.
Dude, this is quite incorrect. It is fact that Cannabis and Tomato plants grow exactly the same way. Look it up if you don't believe me. They need the same nutrients, environments, pH balance, everything.

...why do you think so many Cannabis growers also grow tomatos?


Active Member
thanks guys for the responses i hope i can get atleast 3 ounces off both these plants and ill pay more attention to the soil next timeill keep this thread updated though thx again for the tips


Active Member is a good recipe.

equal parts roots organic, fox farms oceam forest, sunshine mix #4
add perlight 1 inch on the bottom the pot then fill the pot with the soil thats been mixed
My guy recomends adding dolomite garden lime and kelp meal to the soil when mixing.

You can veg for 3 weeks with just water then start off with 600 ppm floranova grow or some other grow line.
Feed this at 600 ppm twice then bump it to 900 ppm then water just water
By this time you have been vegging for 5 weeks almost 6
Start flowering now......this is where I am at in my grow and it is my first grow. I have a 1000 watt light and my plants are looking awesome. I also have some yellowing leaves in the lover region. Dont stress on a few yellow leaves.
Read read read. Do your research before you start another grow. Hell I researched about soil for 2 months before I went and started my grow...I was also waiting for my room to get done being assembled. In my opinion with miracle grow and this being your first grow without doing any research ( or you would have not used MG soil ) your buds look ok for first time.

Good luck and happy future grows!!
