
I'm not positive what the problem is. Super skunk clone off a killer pheno I'm 3 weeks in flower and 9 days ago she was green as could be...this started right when I started giving it bloom nutes gh's ph perfect 4 ml per gallon every other watering in fox farms ocean forest soil...No nutes before the bloom at all


Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Not being a soil grower, it does limit the advice I can give ya, but first thing's first, I would not add anymore nutrients (for now) if the plant was indeed so healthy before the application of new ferts. I know that high amounts of P can inhibit calcium and/or magnesium absorption, and your symptoms do remind me of a Ca issue as the symptoms are towards the newer, active growing leaves on the plant. I'm sorry that I cannot offer more information to you, and really hope that some experienced soil people can offer more specific info to get ya sorted out.
Best of luck.