

New Member
So i soaked my freshly harvested buds in lemon juice because a buddy of mine told me it would give it a better taste(load of bullshit) as i later found out, now the weed doesnt taste like weed at all and doesnt smoke like weed it just tastes and smells like burn when lit in a joint of bong , i am posing this question to find out if theres anything i could do to the already harvested buds as ive searched the internet and came up with nothing useful
It was freshly harvested then soaked it in the lemon juice then dried them in a shoe box for a week and then cured in an air tight glass jar
Now you know to leave the lemon juice to the iced tea. You should never, never, ever soak your buds in anything when you curing. You did everything right, 'cept for the lemon juice. You need to eigther stop listening to your buddy, or find smarter ones in the future.
Try asking questions before you fuck shit up. If you truly spent the time to grow buds I doubt you would soak all of it in lemon juice. This I think is a bullshit post.

Exactly. Just like this one.

Probably was bad to begin with sounds like desperate measures
I used to sell brick weed in the 90’s .... I used to put orange peels and green apple slices to make it moist and smell better
Probably was bad to begin with sounds like desperate measures
I used to sell brick weed on the 90’s .... I used to put orange peels to make it moist and smell better

No, there was never any weed soaked in lemon juice. There's been at least one yahoo trolling the last couple weeks. I caught one the other day. There's been a bunch of posts by new users that are just too bizarre to be true. I guess the boredom caused by people staying home is getting to some more than others. They're probably smoking a bowl laughing right now.