
Oh brother .... I guess leaf set is supposed to look wonky.
Leaf symptoms will guide you , not just mulder chart.
Even ph out of range can display leaf issues and lockout.

Not worth arguing about. I gave OP an Avenue to explore , you have not.
Again. Pure speculative bs.

I'm suggesting to be sensible.

If you are suggesting to feed more of an element looking deficient, based off looks alone. Without first being aware of your NPK and dosage amounts, then that is just plain wrong. And bad advice.
Instead of deflecting , how about actually giving an actual constructive piece of advice to OP ...
Thread does state ... HELP .
Riiiiigggghhhtt ?

Maybe less meth on the Barbie me thinks.
Instead of deflecting , how about actually giving an actual constructive piece of advice to OP ...
Thread does state ... HELP .
Riiiiigggghhhtt ?

Maybe less meth on the Barbie me thinks.

I gave my constructive advice already.

You should really take your own advice Budz. And while you're at it do your homework.
Neither of us were born yesterday.

Throw your tantrum all you like. Your general advice, was the wrong advice given the information.

Have a great day.