
What was in the soil besides Promix before you got it? I don't think Promix has much in it to begin with, so if you've only given them that and a bit of 4-4-4, they may very well be deficient in nutrients...the 4-4-4 is gonna take a few weeks to start working, though.

And no need to mix the 4-4-4 in water, it's more effective if you scratch/mix it into the top couple inches of soil. And while you're at it, you could also add some compost or worm castings. When I top-dress dry ferts, I usually mix them with a few handfuls of worm castings, then mix that into the top layer of soil, and water it in.

And if you're worried about them getting too big, just take clones and in a few weeks you will have smaller, more manageable plants to work with.

Good luck!
Any specific kind,namebrand so on? Or better yet what would u do not to technical first grow indoors but I see u got a lot knowledge and good feed back from ppl so any advice is appreciated.
You seem to be in a hurry so salts might be more your style. Organics just take awhile to breakdown and become available. There's so many choices. GH or Jacks are both common depending if you want liquid or dry. But I'm not an expert on salts.
Stop listening to what "they" say. K.I.S.S. your garden... Keep It Simple Smartie! No need to flush before flower unless you are pouring a bunch of junk into the soil. Get some good living soil, compost tea, and Eliminator for natural preventative maintenance to control pests. Do that and watch what happens.