Certainly looks like magnesium. Your on the right track. A little mag boost in the mix and the foliar will prob help. I remove old damaged growth. No need to let it rot on the stem.
Your in soil so seeing results will typically be slower. I like organic growing but once an issue occurs you have to be patient.
Totally understand the first time grower excitement. You get in your mind...hey it's just a weed. Well, that is true..lol. However, on sites like this many have broken down growing this weed into a science project. It can get mind boggling and confusing. Basics never change so always best to stick with them.
Soilless grow mediums like coco or peat are much easier to manipulate. Maybe consider that option your next go round.
Being a new grower your gonna make mistakes. Try not to freak out and over think or over treat a plant in need. Read, read, and then read more. There is so much info it makes a head spin. The folks here will help. We've all been there.
Instead of CalMag. Perhaps some Epsom salt. Not sure of dose. Plenty of info here on site to figure that out.