

Well-Known Member
Ok, i got 4 plants that sprouted friday, i noticed last night that they all started to lean against the sides of the cups there in. what am i doing wrong? there getting light from 2 26 watt cfl's, and getting 1 1/2 ml of water every 2 days per plant. plants are still green and healthy


Well-Known Member
2 cfls for 4 plants wont work, you need more cfls at least 1 for each plant (for now) i would recommend to put 2 bulbs per plant 2-3" away from the plant


Well-Known Member
im going to be getting more on my next check, is my lighting the problem? the lights are about 3in from top of plants, how can i get these guys (hopefully girls) to stand back up?


Well-Known Member
do you have any pics of the grow? that would help a lot but im pretty sure is a lighting issue


Well-Known Member
tie up the plant with a lolly pop stick or a stalk or somthing.

if you are using flos
keep them 2 to 3" away.

are you using strip flos or the twisty bulbs?.

have you got pics of your plants and set up, so we can see whet is wrong.

what are your temps?

al;so youll need a fan blowing, it makes the plants stronger.

only water every 3 to 4 days and dont feed till 4 weeks vegg.


Well-Known Member
Im using my phone to get on the net, so i have no idea how to post pics, im using 2 bendy desk lamps which sit over the plants, the bulbs are the spiral kind. there is a little fan i got about a foot away from the plants, its a small fan and doesnt blow that hard but circulates. i guess im watering too much, could that be the problem?


Well-Known Member
78 is ok, 60 to 80 is best.
have you got perlite in your soil?.

as your plants grow, add more flos.
and save up for a hps ready for 12/12.
you will not be able to flower with the flos you have.


Well-Known Member
Seeds that break the surface to find adequate light generally stay shorter and don't tend to fall over. Those that break surface in the dark tend to wander.

It very well could be partly the overwatering, but mainly it's a not enough light, or not close enough light, issue.


Well-Known Member
Thats the thing with seedlings.. you have to avoid as much stretching as you can.. Pile the dirt up to the bottom leaves..If needed use a stick and twist tie .. get a fan on it to strengthen the stem, but be careful, not too much.. I'll even move the light in to 3/4".. check with the BACK of your hand if too hot.. just prop her (hopefully) up..takes a bit of work, but par for the course..... Luck..


Well-Known Member
There is perlite, so keep them under light 24 hours a day? tie them up to stand up right, water every 3-4 days. is this my solution? i will be getting a hps light within the next month, just tight on money at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you can try and prop her up, give 24/0 light and perfect your watering.
HPS isn't preferred for vegging, right?


Well-Known Member
There is perlite, so keep them under light 24 hours a day? tie them up to stand up right, water every 3-4 days. is this my solution? i will be getting a hps light within the next month, just tight on money at the moment.


Well-Known Member
i proped them up using dirt. lets see how it goes. thanks for advice guys. btw, how much water should each plant get when i water? couple teaspoons, couple millileters?'


Well-Known Member
more light. the plant tries to reach the light source. I start most of my plants with cfl's they are the biggest I could find. one 85w and two 42w this seems to work well but I still get some strech untill they go under the hps.