

Active Member
I have my plants in peat root cubes... which i then transplanted to little tiny pots that the roots can grow through.... i got a good setup and shit but my one plant is wilting really bad and the leaves are 'slightly' turning yellow..... please help i think its dying! i water like once a day because the pots so small that it dries out every day... havent fed nutes yet... 3 inches tall about 8 leaves a piece...


Well-Known Member
that might just be it. It might need the nutes it could be a lack of Nitrogen, Iron or your ph could just be too high or too low


Active Member
Hey thanks a lot for the input... i have been using bottled water havent tested the ph at all but my other plant seems fine so i think it may be the nutes... how much time do i have until they die i wont be able to get the nutes for like 2 days... the one plant has been steadily wilted for about 4-5 days


New Member
any pics? i've never had a plant wilt from lack of nutes pot it up into a regular pot and give it a good water the nutes in fresh soil will be enough for it for now


Active Member
i took it out of them little "grow through" pots and the roots havent even emerged from the peat pellets yet either of the plants... i put them in bigger clay pots filled with miracle grow soil...(i know i need foxfarm) and my nutes will be here in 4 days or so... i hope that one plant revives but i dunno because that peat pellet shit makes things real hard. :(


New Member
yep sounds like m8, i hate those crappy peat pots only used them once and binned the lot.
i hope it perks up for you mate
pics would be a good help though


Active Member
Here are the two plants... hopefully you can tell the one thats doing bad.. the other is doing fair... just put them in those pots today.. still in peat pellets below the soil top.

sry i have terrible camera... had to use my phone :(



Well-Known Member
I mean it's unlikely at this age they are lacking nutes-but you never know. The new growth looks good which should rule out root issues for now. poke some holes in the soil for some addtional airation and leave them be and see what happens in next 2 days. did you say you were using miracle grow soil?


Active Member
yes i am :( i know its shitty.. but the reason i thought they were lacking nutes is cuz i dont think the peat pellets have any nutes in them if im right... and the coltydons are yellow and wilted which i know hold food for the plant in seedling stage... will poke some holes as well ... thank you


Well-Known Member
babies dont need any nutes until maybe the end of second week or into 3rd and fourth week. even if they need nutes, the miracle grow should take care of that. but do watch for nute burn. those lower leaves are experiencing chlorosis for a reason, one that has probably not fully shown itself yet. if things worsen just pm me.


Active Member
ya... i would imagine they need nutes now though.. they are about 3 weeks give or take... and the coltydons are done providing food. as well as the peat pellets dont provide and nutes and the roots are trapped in there for a while..

will keep you posted


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt have guessed three weeks. transplant probably knocked a week off growing. with that Mg I would keep the nutes real light and balance your ph to 7 if you can. usually it's water, water, nutes, water, water, nutes


New Member
that looks like it probably had an infection straight from seed i would bin it and concentrate on the healthy ones but that is just my opinion and i'm v fussy