

Active Member
alright I just planted my first seedling and I germinated it and everything the I come back two days later and it doesnt look like anything I've seen for a newly sprouted plant any ideas of what i need to do or whats wrong with it



Well-Known Member
the pictures very blury what soil is it in? what light is it under? whats your watering schedule? and is there a way for water to leave the bottom? and what temps is it at regularly


Active Member
I got the soil from my Friend don't know what it is and the light wasn't on....I just planted it about 2 days ago and thought if it hasn't sprouted why have it on...but I have a 17cfl about 3-4 in away from it. I had a plastic bag over it so it would keep in the humidity. No there is no hole should I have one is I'm just starting the plant out in this cup then transferring it. I think its about 70-80 f all day fluctuates because the weather


Well-Known Member
it was stretching for light.....if you have a light on it now then it should stop...and yes poke some holes in the bottom so water can drain out...