

Well-Known Member
ok I have zero true indoor growing expriance under my belt so take it easy on me ....

I understand an EBB system - basically you flood the table with a pond pump to the top of the roots and the water drains back to a resivoir to be used again later that day.

Aeroponics- mist/spray nutes and water to roots

I have seen hydro set-ups with roots that actually just rested in water that was extremely agitated/ariated by air stones will this work for weed?
Also how does a basic drip system work? I understand the basics, but it seems like you'd use alot more electricity pumping water ALL day as opposed to 1-3 floodings a day?

Smoke on


Well-Known Member
the roots that sit in water is called DWC deep water culture and yes it works extremely well, as for drip system you can go check out my grow journal on its how i grow indoors. My drip system waters every 12 hours for now and it seems to be working great


Well-Known Member
will the roots stretch on their own? or is there a process like lowering the water level slowly?

it seems for this system alot of attention needs to be on PH


Well-Known Member
if your talking about DWC then yes they will grow on their own , its a more advanced type of growing and may not be what you want to try right out at first , EBB is a pretty easy way to go for your first time even a drip system is pretty easy.


Active Member
hi -

i currently using the dwc with a simple air stone placed in the tray - the roots go wild and completely become a mass in the tray . all i do is let the water drop - and then fill it half way or so each few days or so - but b careful - sometimes u don't need to add more food either so watch that.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure for me DWC would suit me better than EBB. EBB would be simple to monitor, checking ppms and PH on occasion. But if I did a DWC I could give alot of care to the plants individually. Plus I can use multiple containers (in an EBB they are all in trays) and conduct my own expirements on reacions to ferts :). It looks as if you'd just make the roots slowly strech at the grow to reach water for very deep roots ?
I would do a drip system I just don't know what kind of PUMP to use like I mentioned. From what I've gathered you seal off an end of the hose, add holes to the lines, add drippers and vaila ! how do you keep pressure down in the line ?


Well-Known Member
EBB can be setup into individual containers just like in DWC however they have 1 main reservoir just like in DWC. In DWC the roots will grow down into the water no need to make them stretch if you do it right cause you should have some misters or sprayers inside your DWC to feed them untill then grow big enough and down into the tank. As for a drip system , yes i have 1 pump and 1 main line going into my tray , from that i split it off by punching holes and adding in smaller lines to go to each plant. twice a day the pump turns on and feeds the plants after which the runnoff water drains back into the reservoir. I have a small size pump about 300 GPH and pressure is no problem i use open ended drippers, however you can you use regulated drippers that will only allow a certain amount of water example they have 1/2 GHP, 1GPH , 2GPH, drippers ect...