What type of 60 watt light bulb? You can not grow with just any light bulb. Net the plant will continue to sprout new growth as old growth dies as the plant struggles to live. It will keep stretching and produce little to no herb.
You need to get more lighting. Otherwise you are wasting your time.
OK here is a quick update if anyone cares....the leaves that were starting to get yellow and brown are dying off but at the staulk there are new leaves growing there is that a good sign? i am going to go shoping for a stronger light tonight and gonna try to find some better nutes
You do not want any incandescent bulbs. Even if the box claims it is a grow light. You want fluros or HID. In your situation the best bet is to go to Lowes or Home depot and get some CFL's
ok an update here.. i am still letting it flower the bud has gotten bigger since i lollypopped it, well i am on my second grow now and u should see this plant better then the last that is all i can say i think this is my prize winner here