

Active Member
hey my buds look good not as big as I wanted but pretty nice ;question ,when do I harvest them they look ready but how long should I wait? and how low do I cut them? do I take the roots up or just cut it low.I only have one plant ,well I cloned it a couple of weeks ago, I did it in water it's coming along nicely, I put it in soil when roots looked long enough. (first time for cloneing pretty kool, anyway some help would be great.) but it's not budding ,do you think it will? lots of questions I know!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

you have 2 plants correct? one is flowerig one is vegging?

How long have you been flowering?
PIcture please



Active Member
:confused: yes, two one cloned from other and about 10 inches tall with just leaves and what looks like hairs growing. sorry no pics yet I'll try tomorrow mother is budding nicely:blsmoke: