

hey guys i just adopted my friends plant since he was going to throw it out
im a complete noob at this and im trying to basically save it from dying and
make it bud sooon. any help would be great.
i have it on a 12 hr cycle of light with a bunch of cfls and i water it every other day besides that im completely lost so please helppp


lucie lou

New Member
hey guys i just adopted my friends plant since he was going to throw it out
im a complete noob at this and im trying to basically save it from dying and
make it bud sooon. any help would be great.
i have it on a 12 hr cycle of light with a bunch of cfls and i water it every other day besides that im completely lost so please helppp

just give it water but not too much and dont use any nutes or anything. oh and make sure theres enough ventilation, also dont let it get too tall, tie it down cuz cfls dont penetrate very far!


how do i tie it down? and when does it bud bc my friend has had in since the beginning of semester so since like 3 months at the latest


Well-Known Member
looks pretty good, if you have the lights 12/12 it will start to show sign of buds growing in probly 2 or 3 weeks maybe a bit longer because your not using nutes but just make sure NO light gets in the room when the lights are off. and only water if the soil feels dry. plants like the soil to be wet then dry wet then dry and so on. not wet all the time.


Active Member
i dno what kinda bulb that is in there,but you need more lightt. and dont water every otherday,not unless the day after you watered its completely dry when you stick your finger in the dirt. also i seen its just in a bedroom or something,that would be kinda hard to control the plants environment..temp,light,humidity and all that good stuff.
good luck:weed:


im moving it into a storage closet soon...theres like a 4 small cfls and one huge one. i have a heater and a fan to keep the temp at about 65-70 degrees. and if i needed to use nutrients what kind should i get cuz the plant has no form of food


Well-Known Member
get a 1 part flowering solution , and yeah if your watering every 2nd day thats to much id be watering every 3-4 days , and only feeding with nutes every 2nd watering, what type of cfls are they , watts? and what colour/kelvins ?


there are two white colored bulbs and then the rest are a pale white almost yellow, and where can i get nutes from?


Well-Known Member
u can get nutrients from any hydroponical store or just a regular garden shop , if your on 12/12 u want your fluorecents to be yellow/orange =2700k
u dont want white colourd flurocents as there only for veg state. go buy some 2700k bulbs


Active Member
there are two white colored bulbs and then the rest are a pale white almost yellow, and where can i get nutes from?
read the small print on the bottm of the bulbs. white and pale white dont help us help you. and like closetgrow said,any local hydro store..or go to foxfarms. com and they have a little engine thing that u put your zip in and it shows you who sells in your area,and again whats the total actual wattage of your lights?


ill go back to my apt in philly and let u guys know asap. someone said that i need to tie ti down how do i do hat?


Active Member
ill go back to my apt in philly and let u guys know asap. someone said that i need to tie ti down how do i do hat? i said,help us help youu..and i dno about lst this far along,ive herd its never to late,but i lst my plants and there half that size & i have to be so carful not to break a branch or stem while bending them down..if you try to tie that fuckr now it will snap..if you doo decide to try it,carfuly bend the branches down and little by little tie them further and further down..personalpy if i were in your sit,i would fim it..or supercrop,i did it on accident,split my mainstem right down the middle,and its stronger now than ever.goodluck hope i helped


Well-Known Member
i probly wouldnt lst , u have left it to late. your plant is flowering its not concentrating on growth but on growing buds so considering its to tall and you want get much growth b4 u harvest i cant see the point