???????? Help


Active Member
Hey all .... query ... Just put some new clones in and top leaves are yellowing ? Any ideas maybe to close to light ? Nutrients ? Help ;)


Well-Known Member
just put new clones in a cloner or just put rooted clones into their home>? the light should not be close at all to your clones you want root growth not leaf growth. was the plant you took the clone from showing signs of nutrient deficiency?


Active Member
Yeah put them in their new home . Clones are 1 ft tall nice healthy dark green yesterday then today the tops are yellowing .... Using 600w light was about a foot above have since moved it almost two feet and giving 3 one minute feeds per day as advised by some1 into coco medium is that enough feed ??


Well-Known Member
you have a drip system? ebb and flow? anyways i dont think your problem has to do with how often you feed, you probably have to add more nitrogen to what your feeding them. when i hear clone i think of just cut or just starting to root not 1ft tall healthy plants. i think they have earned a promotion from clone to plant.


Active Member
Ok cheers just bought new nutrients so will see how they go for a couple of days . Thanks again :)


Active Member
Ok yeah ph looks good around 5.5 only been in since yesterday using coco medium how far should lights be off plants ? 400-500 mm ?