

what is the best wat to start seeds, can i put them into seed starter trys with a clear plastic lid and keep them moist or do i have to germinate them frist?


Active Member
Ive done them before by putting them straight in the soil, worked for me most of the time to be honest, had a better germ rate by popping in a shot glass full of water for 24 hours in a dark warm place and wait for em to sink or crack, if not cracked in 24 hours give em another 12, soon as it cracks pop it in what ever your using for your seedlings, not had any fail doing this. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
what is the best wat to start seeds, can i put them into seed starter trys with a clear plastic lid and keep them moist or do i have to germinate them frist?
either will work if you have poor seds you'll be wasting pots/pellets etc waiting for some seeds that will never germinate. A humidity dome is unecessary and can cause damping off fungus to kill your seedlings.

new gen

There's a few different ways to germinate seeds. I've always used the paper towel method and it works just fine for me. You can always do a search to find different ways. Or do what I did...I went to and bought 6 different grow books. Each book has at least two different ways to geminate seeds. I have enought information/material to instruct a class! lol good luck!


seed in soil as mother nature intended :D seldom fails
Can't help but agree.

I use a Jiffy Seed Starter Mix with plenty of water. Generally plant large seeds that don't pop under pressure from my thumb and forefinger. Germination is like anything else though, you'll figure out the best way to do it as you grow more. I'm learning more and more that there are around two dozen ways to do everything in this hobby and they're all pretty efficient. Whatever works best for you. I would do like mantiszn said though and go seed in soil.


Well-Known Member
the only time I bother germinating is if I know seeds are really old...

Can't help but agree.

I use a Jiffy Seed Starter Mix with plenty of water. Generally plant large seeds that don't pop under pressure from my thumb and forefinger. Germination is like anything else though, you'll figure out the best way to do it as you grow more. I'm learning more and more that there are around two dozen ways to do everything in this hobby and they're all pretty efficient. Whatever works best for you. I would do like mantiszn said though and go seed in soil.


Well-Known Member
I like the paper towel method. Easy enough and within 3-4 days you should see some germination. Then you can transplant to a seed starter set for further growth and then transplant to your final grow medium...My 2 cents.