

So this is my first grow and im doing well i think. the only problem im having is telling the sex on some of my plants. I cut three down that were for sure male already, that showed only 3 days after switching the light cycle 12 12. now it has been a week longer since then and now more plants are starting to flower.. i just do not know if theyre male or female because the bud like things are starting from the top. now in some parts of the plants have white or orange whispy hairs coming out but not like a pre-flower should look.. or is it.. ive been looking it up and pictures to try and get a clue but i just cant figure it out!! i need to know before its to late.. please help someone. below are 2 pics i posted..



The pics would've been better if you would've taken pics from the nodes where sex is showing. But, you can't miss the males. You can, but you can't.
When I was waiting on one of my last plants to show it's sex, it ended up showing its sex and removed it. But, really, all you have to do is pay attention. If you pay close attention until you know for sure all you have are females, you're good.

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
somewhere between the 7th and 10th node most strains show preflowers on the freshesh new growth,sometimes males show at the internode on the main stalk.Your pics suck,if you have little knots its a male.I use a 3 power magnifier to look for preflowers.Those hairs can be small


Lol yea i know my pics suck. I will take some better ones with a digital camera and put them up. Those pics were taken with my phone and only 3.2 mp. But i know if i get closer, it will be able to been seen. If someone other than my self saw them up close and knew what early sexing looked like; they would be able to tell in a heart beat. But my first instinct of what is described as "knots" or "balls" could be it. but it also looks as if they are just little buds beginning to form. I dont know. I will take a better pic and post it