
ok so im growing outdores and my plant is still a sapling and how can i tell if im watering to much and when is my plant sapposed to start flowering and is it bad if it starts flouring and how can i provent it if it is and how can i keep bugs off it organically

Bayou bud

Active Member
Many many questions that could take days to explain in true detail. It should flower after two weeks of being in 12/12 day/night cycle. If its flowering you can cover it and try to reveg it. But it may hermie. Also if it's showing bud better to leave it and work with it IMO. there are some ways to keep bugs off organically. Not sure is neem oil is technically organic but it is not from chemicals I believe. That spray works. And also you can introduce lady bugs and other beneficial bugs to your garden.
well lady bugs and what other animals can i introduce to it and is there anything i can do to increase the thc level as dirastically as i can because all i get around my area is shwag and whast is an imo :leaf:


Active Member
is the guy 4real? dude i think you should do a little bit of reading... its not on us to tell you how to do EVERY STEP. Try watching a grow DVD there are several on Youtube that Ive seen... Check out anything by Jorge Cervantes... hes the man. Good luck bro and dont think im preaching I just wish people would do a little work on their own before asking people to give them a masters in horticulture for free.


Well-Known Member
marigold flowers, diced garlic, and jalepeno peppers. you can add a little bit of canola oil too if they're not into flower too far. if they did begin flower, you can pick off the pistils and keep feeding them nitrogen since veg season is pretty much now. poke holes in your soil to check moisture, if the holes you poke collapse in on themselves then its dry enough to water. do this to the bottom of your pot too, make new holes if necessary. stay away from the main stem though, at least 2 inches.

Bayou bud

Active Member
Go to educational websites on basic plant maintenance. Chili peppers and tomatoes grow similar to cannabis. IMO means in my opinion. PM me and we will get you a basic start up going that won't kill the plant and won't kill you from bad chemicals.


Well-Known Member
ok thx and one last ? how can i get my flavors does it mater about the seed and what can i use for sprays :leaf:
flavors as in what the bud tastes like? all depends, with organic nutrient all my past buds have had a hint of frutiness, with chemical nutes i noticed the smoke can be sour if theres any salt buildup. it really depends on genetics too, but i grew a bagseed and it came out smelling and tasting like blueberries, so try your luck and see what works for you, do a test run before wasting money on some pricey beans, it doesnt matter what you grow, any bagseed is good if its viable. you just need practice right now, dont expect to get a harvest your first run if your not willing to put work into it or learning about how to grow the plant. in newbie central, theres threads about all the questions you will ask i guarantee.